To get the most crisp shots I use my 18-55 mm lens, but it's not as easy since the fish get more skiddish when you're up to the glass. Then I use my 55-200 mm lens so I can stand far enough away where the fish isn't constantly swimming away, but zooming in you either have to have a really steady hand or a tripod so it doesn't get all blurry. Once you get that down it's just a matter of taking hundreds of pics, an hour or so of looking through and deciding which looks best, and another hour or two editing them for wb, contrast, shadows, etc. I use sharpness a lot in my canon editor to get some pics really sharp, but some people don't like it that sharp. I started editing these pics and the firework pics at 11 and after uploading them to photobucket it was about 3:30. Then messing with my stupid Internet and a few emailed pics as well as uploading to the thread I crawled in bed at 5:30ish :lol: hopefully I actually explained what you wanted to know I kinda just started typing :lmao: