Passer angel


New member
So im restocking my 220 fowlr after a couple of years of no additions. currently only large female scribbled and blond naso tang. i have a fowleri and purple tang in qt.
Im considering adding a small passer angel. Ive read they can be aggressive. will a Passer angel be a threat to the large scribbled (10") or other fish for that matter ?
So im restocking my 220 fowlr after a couple of years of no additions. currently only large female scribbled and blond naso tang. i have a fowleri and purple tang in qt.
Im considering adding a small passer angel. Ive read they can be aggressive. will a Passer angel be a threat to the large scribbled (10") or other fish for that matter ?

I have a small passer.. He was last to be in... I had chrysus angel, goldflake, flagfin, blue line angel and passer has been great!!!!

I think u will be ok...

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tkry1, thanks for the info. those are some really nice Angels you have . like the juvi Passer. hope you post pics. Good luck. thx
Holacanthus passer is quite aggressive, but if their scribbles are of such size I think I would have no problem. You can search for a juvenile passer and add it to its 220 after quarantine.