Patch of Closed Zoas


New member
New to zoas. Just bought a group and fragged it into three piles. All three piles are at different height and flow and were doing well and all open. The largest group of ~20 polyps has a small section of ~5 polyps that have just closed and have been that way for several days. The nearest connected open polyps look really healthy and haven't changed. I moved the frag to the sand bed from higher flow on the LR, but that didn't do anything. I also blasted them with turkey baster. Ddin't do anything either. The closed polyps look really healthy (no slime), but just shut up tight. I didn't see any nudi's or anything otherwise out of the ordinary. Maybe I can snap a pic at some point. Can this be normal?

oh BTW,
my parameters:
temp = 80
sg = 1.025
ph = 8.3
No3 = 5ppm
Ca = 370
Dkh = 7.8
Po4 = <.03
Amm = 0
Nitrite = 0
Hey thanks for the info. No it doesn't look like a trail. Just three or fours zoas on the edge that won't open. I will try the dip, but first need to extract the micro star that's made his home on the opposite side of the rock :).