Paying it Forward!!


New member
We have talked in the past about setting up a Pay it forward, swapping corals to club members and then having a "bank" in case you lost what you donated etc..

Formally that would mean someone keeping up the records etc...

I have a couple of "Nice" corals that I was either given or we won at club meetings etc.. that I would like to "pay forward".

They will be raffled off at the meeting, to club members who are ready for them, with the understanding that when they are grown and splitting, fragged out etc.. That they "pay it forward" within the club as well.

The neat thing is that it is at no cost and most any of us can join in.

ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE GOT SOME FRAGS THEY WANT TO "PAY FORWARD"!!! Bring them to the meeting, we will start this as a regular part of our club meetings!!!:bounce1::beer:

See you at the meeting tonight!!
swigen is making the rounds today too, so I was going to pay-forward to sky. If I can, I'll harvest more of whatever I can. Plus, I was givin' away some Frogspawn and Devil's Hand recently.