PC based Controller

I designed the gui and wrote the software to control my future setup using a PC. The software was mostly done and designed using ISA based IO cards.... along came USB, so I started rewriting the output modules.... then soem people asked about x-10 (more output modules)....

I designed all of the relay PC boards and DAC/ADC boards....

THe project just got to complicated for 1 person to handle. I had trouble finding information on suitable and cheap PH ORP probes that could be dunked in the sump and left there.

THe software controlled pumps, wavemakers, moonlights, sunrise, even provsisons for tidallevels in a tide tank).

I have also pretty much dropped the project (and revamped it a few times and dropped it again) over the years.

In any case I will be working on it again. Starting from scratch...

1.) Monitor water params
2.) monitor and control temp
3.) control wave makers and dump tanks
4.) provide lighting control (day and moon)
5.) accept input for feeding mode, viewing mode, evening mode
6.) Provide indication for water levels and sump conditions
7.) provide a tcp/ip interface for the LAN
8.) provide a web based gui for control
9.) provide a java applet for web based monitoring
10.) RF remote for basic control of lamps and pumps
11.) Provide email and telephone based alarm reporting
12.) provide a home for me when she throws me out for never finishing yet another project.

Have you figured out the cost of the hardware? Just curious if it makes sense to DIY the hardware or to buy something like a Neptune II or Octopus and then build a new software suite for it.

thoughts anyone?

the original hardware was expensive. I got the 96 Bit I/O cards on ebay for a hundred or so each. They literaly retail for thousands!

USB based I/O is about $50 per 16 bit I/O Not bad at all. THe relay driver boards and other stuff run about $150 each. SO in the end you could spend a thousand or so on hardware.

I will be building mow own relay boards and ADC/DAC units. I figure I will have $500 in the hardware portion of the project.

I think controlling a neptune or octopus woudl be hard and you would be limited to what little SDK they give you access to. THat would also mean learning whatever language they are programmed in (or at leat their interface programming and timing) Pluas add all the I/O cards and devices and you could have several thousand sunk into one of these in a heartbeat.

A possible alternative would be a DIY pic or atmel based project, tied to the PC only for software upgrades.

I am thinking about writing a .NET telnet interface for the Neptune controller. It would give you the ability to read data from probs and control outputs on the controller. I've have been thinking a lot about automation. I really like the stability that a PLC or SCADA system provides but I want to go a lot further with the software and user experience. Here is my ultimate solution. Use PLC/SCADA hardware at the location of the tank. This technology has been around forever and is solid as a rock. I am also contemplating an embedded XP system depending on the hardware interfaces for the probs and sensors. This hardware would sit on an Ethernet network and communicate to an OPC server (O.L.E for Process Control) which basically gives you a COM interface on the PC side. At this point the sky is the limit and I can use .NET to write any further software.

Here are a few links if anyone is interested in OPC and control systems.

Please post if any of this interests anyone.
hi i have atlas pH stamp, arduino duemilanove.

i want to trigger some LEDs, buzzer,when certain pH is reached. i also want to display the pH reading on LCD display.

please help me with the code. any reference would also be really helpful.

this is my first time doing such project.
