PC based Controller


New member
I am interested in building a controller for my setup, I want to incorporate all the features of a high priced controller as well as incorporate a few of my own ideas, as well as a data logger.

I have a spare computer that I was going to dedicate to this project, and is already running 24/7 I see the benefits of this system to be so much greater than spending big$$$ on a manufactured unit, I am just baffled as to where to start.

I have seen a few posts on this subject, but no one has finished one, or posted any useful information thus far.

I was looking for some suggestions as where to start, and maybe even get someoneââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s electrical schematic, or a copy of their VB program and a list of the required components.

I want to control my lights, pumps, chiller, heater, moon lights, top off, ectââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¦.. Anyways, any help is appreciated.
This one I'd like to see answered myself! I've been thinking about gettin a cheapo laptop that I can just fold up and hid in a drawer... =] Lemme know how it turns out!

Dont forget to track flow, PH and salinity.

I have x-10 modules that track these and my thought is to publish this all to an web server so I can monitor from work


I have seen this referenced in other posts, what is it, what does it take to get started with an x-10 system.

I would really like a modular based system , less design time, better results ect...

It seams like every day, I come up with something else I could use a controller for. As well as the other things that have been stated above, I would like night & day cycles for my wave maker and my surge, as well as a feeding setting, a temp light override, (to not cook my fish) The list goes on and on.

If this could all be integrated to monitor and log all activities, I could have my computer at home e-mail me at work if some thing important is required. My computer that I am going to be using is already setup as a home based server, and I should have no problem monitoring my tank remotely. Maybe even a web cam, or a cheep digital, that takes a pic every day at the same time, from the ceiling light fixture, or something.

Every controller that I have seen for sale just doesnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t do what I want it to do.

I also want a keypad, and lcd display at the tank, (not the office) to display PH, Temp, Salinity, ect, and to trigger the feeding cycle.

I am sure this is something that all Reefers could benefit from, and if I am successful I will gladly create a DIY web page to assist all others in making a DIY controller.
I am extremely interested in this as well. As said above, I have looked into X10 and it seems promising, though lacking in areas...

All alternatives that I have found are quite expensive and even then are lacking in areas where I would want to add to them but they do not offer that ability.

I am very interested in what others have found/accomplished in this area as well.

Good luck.
I'm very interested in this! I use tons of X-10 to automate my home (using HomeSeer software). I created custom web pages that use graphics for everything.

I'd love to see FULLY PC based control system. I'll help you beta test it!

Any ideas on what you are going to write it in?
How are you going to interface it to the PC (I suggest USB if you can!)?







Hi All,

I have been working this issue for several years and have had some successes. My strengths are in the hardware end of the system and I am weakest in the software side. I have developed some DIY sensors and few more on the drawing board. I use relay ladder logic to make the X-10 modules smarter and eliminate the need for digital I/O connected to the computer. Data logging is handled with an inexpensive 4 channel data logger from DataQ. I still need a stable instrument front end for accurate logging from probes, the plans on the web lack real stability.

I have run ReefCon and Elite software programs but they are lacking in some features I will need when I build my fish room. I have worked on several of these web based projects and none have ever been completed. I learned a lot but still donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t have that complete system. If you all are going to give it another try, I would like to help. I have information to share on the hardware side of the project.
What about a lone machine, running unix? I'm sure someone might be able to get something together with that OS much easier then win, I'm sure! Thoughts?

Unix, YES!!! Network YES!! X-10??? Maybe

Unix, YES!!! Network YES!! X-10??? Maybe


My thoughts exactly, While in my design phase (thinking about the project) I have decided that running an old 286 or 386 that I have lying around, running Unix, or Linux would be the best bet. For the ease of communication between the computer and the modules that I will have to build.

I think I will be using solid state relays for the lights and pumps ect. And digital to analog converters for all my sensors. I have yet to sourse these, but if I could find digital ones, it would be even easier.

Setting up a program in Unix, or Linux to operate the lights and pumps at whatever cycle I want shouldnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t be too hard, getting the phases of the moon, getting it to control my evaporative cooling tower (cheep chiller), emergency overheat protection, wave maker, feeding cycle, e-mail emergency notification, now thatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s another story.

The only problem I see with running Unix, or Linux is that I want the machine to be hooked up to my network for remote monitoring and control of the system.

I would love to provide everybody with a copy of the program and the design specifications that I end up coming up with.

I thought we could all share our experiences with each other in regards to modules and interface problems. Maybe we can put everybodyââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s little parts together and make a controller.


Looks like that setup is great. I think x-10 will not be able to do some of the things I am looking for. And their modules are expensive to have to dick around with. I was considering starting with x-10 because it is already setup to be remotely operated, data logging, and with light relays. I am sure I can do a lot of what I want with it, but as far as the sensors and probes go, I think I will have a problem.


Hi All

Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m very interested in your project. I have worked with several of these online project groups but all seem to meet the same fate and simply fade away. I have a few DIY sensors and probes. I would like to share information with you if youââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢re interested. I have a few resources I know you would find helpful in your system.

ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ www.omega.com request their free reference library. It has a wealth of information on probes and measurement systems. The library can be obtained in printed and CD format.
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ www.dataq.com They make a small reasonably priced 4 channel data logger that comes with software [about $25.00] I think it is model DI-194.

Most of my automation has been done using X-10. I have found a way to modify
the modules to make them smarter using ladder logic. I have been able to build automatic water changers, top off systems and surge devices using this technology as well as the lighting control. These systems can be made extremely intelligent by incorporating Boolean logic circuits into the ladder logic.

The most difficult part of the probe input to a control system, is finding a reasonably priced instrument front end for the probes. This is required to allow for calibration and offset set up. Several of the ones published on the net suffer from stability problems.

I have designed and built several current sensors which allow you to turn devices on/off depending on whether or not they are drawing an electrical current. I used this to tell me whether the main return pump is operating or not. I am working on a DIY flow meter to be used to determine whether there water flowing in critical parts of the system.

Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m wondering if your software has the capability of looking up values contained in a table and then using these values to turn on and off discrete devices. I need some kind software capable of doing this to be able to finish my tidal surge simulator. The device works now but requires daily manual input. I need to have this synchronized to the actual lunar positions at my Lat./Long. I have spreadsheets that calculate the values for Moon Rise/Set, % Lunar Illumination and use these to build tidal surge data tables. I need a software guru to be able have the program get these values from tables and use them to send the proper X-10 commands to the devices.

I would love to here more about your project and possibly correspond with you about it. If I can be any help or if you would like to see some of my DIY sensors please let me know.
Thanks Bill
Bill, I think what you need to look into is Visual Basic, From what I understand, You can make a program that does anything you do with your mouse & keyboard, I think you could make a VB program easily to check out your table, and turn stuff on and off accordingly.

I have been thinking about the Front End Sensors, and what I have come up with is, buy one intended for a marine controller, and make it work with your design. The probes are expensive, but I bet they will not suffer the long-term calibration and reliability problems. After all, that is what they were designed for.

I would be very interested in your DIY sensors, what kind have you made?? I am probably not going to be using X-10 but it shouldnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t mater. Are your sensors Digital or Analog??

I want to get my hands on some software that does lunar cycles, and the tide program you have running. I want to integrate it all into one stand alone controller.

I will have a LCD Touch screen @ the tank, and the unit connected to another computer for control.

I am in the process of setting up a web page to share design ideas, and post links.
I will put a link here, when I get it up and running.
Re: References

Re: References

bstreib said:

Iââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢m wondering if your software has the capability of looking up values contained in a table and then using these values to turn on and off discrete devices. I need some kind software capable of doing this to be able to finish my tidal surge simulator. The device works now but requires daily manual input. I need to have this synchronized to the actual lunar positions at my Lat./Long. I have spreadsheets that calculate the values for Moon Rise/Set, % Lunar Illumination and use these to build tidal surge data tables. I need a software guru to be able have the program get these values from tables and use them to send the proper X-10 commands to the devices.

I have no software. But if you can explain this, I can think of a way to do it.

I can calculate Lunar Postions, Moon Rise/Set and Phase of the moon based your long/lat.

From that data, how do you determine if you want your surge to be turned on or not. The surge is X10 controlled right? Sounds simple enough.
Software Automation

Software Automation

For automating, I prefer PERL. It's portable back and forth between UNIX and Windows and can do pretty much anything you can provide logic for. My knowledge base is the software side and I would be willing to lend a hand in this area. I think it would make a great "Open Source" project.

You know the saying though, too many cooks... A project of this magnitude needs a Project Manager. Who's going to take the lead and keep this thing from fading away...

as for a project manager, I will step up to the plate. Like I said earlier, I am setting up a website that Will track progress.

What is this PERL you refered to?? I am in the R&D process of this whole thing right now, but I think I am leaning to the home made everything, but the machine, and the sensors.
use POSIX;
use Serial::IO;

So much for portability. But I agree, PERL whould be ideal for all the back end.

As for this project. My 2 cents. All this talk of GUI's, Touch screens, etc.. is kind of pointless at this stage without deciding on the hardware first.

You'll need sensors and DAQs. Without knowing what you're using for a DAQ, and knowing its supported API, writing a GUI to drive nothing is kind of pointless. Then you have decide on protocols, physical interfaces, etc.. etc.. You can choose a language like the example given of VB, and not have any of the support you need for the hardware you're using.
Perl Is

By occupation, I'm a Software Configuration Manager. As an aspect of the job, I do a lot of automation of software releases/system builds. I haven't interfaced to a lot of hardware, but love to learn... I like Perl because it's easy to learn, easy to maintain, free, and easy to find support (Perl coders are die hard like wrestlers or hockey fans).

If the software choice goes in another direction, though, I'm flexible. I can do Unix Scripting, Java Coding and Scripting, C, C++, VB, Assembler, Rexx, SQL.

Lead on Smokin' King Tut:bum:
There are more gentle perl coders out there :D

use strict;
eq'_'?"\n":"$_ "}
use subs qw(
	dragons hide in words _
	quiet faithful lovers please _
	tender caresses _

hide dragons in words _
quiet faithful quiet please _
tender caresses _

From Brad Baxter, Perl Conference 4.0 Haiku competition.