PE Mysis???


New member
Anybody had any luck with this shrimp type food?
It is actually a FRESHWATER product, but people are using it for their seahorses and have supposedly had great luck.

its a great food, just don't use it too often, it contains too much protein and can actually cause problems. PE is the brand name Piscine Energetics. One real nice thing about it is that there is almost no water packed in it so that you get a lot more food for your money.
cspurr- I use to use it soaked in selcon and fed my fish and corals with it. They all went nuts for it. Dont have any experience with seahorses though. I know you can hatch brine shrimp then feed them selcon along with DT's and it makes them alot more nutritous.
I use this to feed my anemones with and it is excellent. It is freshwater but the fish love it. It is very high in protein and when my cardinal spit babies I weaned them on these.....great product. Klaus sells it.....