Pennywise in my tank


New member
Stephen King reference, but applicable all the same. Stewie, our 2 yr old ocellaris, and mate, Feet, are viscous little curs, taking nips and bites at anything put in the tank. I'm setting up a 150gal; is there anything that will help these fish not be monsters? Thinking the bigger tank and maybe an anemone, once the tank matures, might help. It's two ocellaris and a six line in a 30gal right now. Any advice is appreciated.

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Stephen King reference, but applicable all the same. Stewie, our 2 yr old ocellaris, and mate, Feet, are viscous little curs, taking nips and bites at anything put in the tank. I'm setting up a 150gal; is there anything that will help these fish not be monsters? Thinking the bigger tank and maybe an anemone, once the tank matures, might help. It's two ocellaris and a six line in a 30gal right now. Any advice is appreciated.

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I bought one of the little suction-cupped breeder boxes that you use to seperate freshwater fish while they are laying. And I put my aggressive ocellaris in that (Only one of my two was being aggressive).

This was when I was setting up my quarantine and they decided it was ALL theirs, so they went after all my other fish. Weirdest thing to see is my massive tang 'playing dead' on her side on the bottom of the tank while this little clown fish 1 fifth her size is biting her. :/ I was not happy.

So into the breederbox prison he went! I left him there for about a week while the other fish got acclimated, found their stride, and got 'normalized' in the tank.

Then I let the clownfish out of the box, and there have been no issues since.

This guy right here, only 8 USD.
sixline and pair of clowns in a 30g, personally I'd pull the sixline, they will be buttheads often even in bigger tanks, and clowns are territorial and will need to claim a certain amount of space, that size tank is just too small for both.

Acclimation box maybe for someone or separate till you make swap somehow
They will be fine in a bigger tank. They will find a spot they like and be aggressive to fish that come onto their territory
Good to know. She's not aggressive to the wrasse or anything, just nips the crud out of my hand. Maybe she's reminding me to keep my hands out...

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My clowns bite me whenever I put my hands in the tank. They’re just matured and territorial. They leave all fish and inverts alone but love my hands.