Peppermint shrimp tearing up my Duncan?


New member
So I was fairly certain peppermint shrimp wouldn't eat the Duncan we added to our tank. That seems to be holding true, but he appears to not like the Duncan at all and is ripping small chunks off. I don't know if the Duncan stole his gf back in HS or something, hah but he really seems to have it out for him. Is this normal behavior for peppermint shrimp with a duncan? Will it pass? Is the Duncan a goner? Thanks guys! I also added a pic to hopefully show what I'm trying to describe.


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I've definitely heard of peppermint shrimp turning to the dark side and munching on coral. The safe bet would definitely be to take him out and out him in your sump or give it to someone with a fish only tank. As for the coral, as long as there's some living tissue, the coral can grow back so you should be all good as long as your parameters are up and nothing else decides to pick on it. A lot of the "reef safe" things in the hobby can sometimes turn on coral and sometimes you get "With caution" organisms that never touch a single polyp. Just kinda happens like that. Good luck with the coral and hopefully you can find a home for the shrimp!
I've had peppermints that would eat and tear up torch corals and frogspawn. They never ate aiptasia though.
I've definitely heard of peppermint shrimp turning to the dark side and munching on coral. The safe bet would definitely be to take him out and out him in your sump or give it to someone with a fish only tank. As for the coral, as long as there's some living tissue, the coral can grow back so you should be all good as long as your parameters are up and nothing else decides to pick on it. A lot of the "reef safe" things in the hobby can sometimes turn on coral and sometimes you get "With caution" organisms that never touch a single polyp. Just kinda happens like that. Good luck with the coral and hopefully you can find a home for the shrimp!

A nice bread crumb dip and a nice hot oil bath :spin3:

Would it help maybe if I moved it onto the top of a rock? The shrimp don't seem to go up there too often, of course since the tank is in my office I don't know what they do at night.

The shrimp didn't touch the zoa or kenya tree, so figured it would be safe. I kind of knew it would be a risk as I've heard sometimes clowns will try to make the Duncan their home mistaking it for an anemone, never figured the shrimp would be the one to cause problems!
My peppermints killed any Acans that I put in the tank. And they were very well fed otherwise.. never again will I buy those.
My Peppermints ate a beautiful 3 head Aussie gold hammer and 10 Candy Cane polyps! They're in a holding tank until I drop them off at my sisters next week. Her Puffer will enjoy them!
Duncan dying? Those things are bullet proof! I have never in 30 years had luck with peppermint shrimp. They come out at night and do their dirty work.
Peppermints can be hit or miss. I've had some that tore up mushrooms and a wall hammer and now I have 6 of them that are perfect tank mates.

Just make sure its not a camel shrimp. They look similar.
I mean I guess I can't ask the duncan how he's feeling hah, but he doesn't display any signs of being weak or dying. I hope that's not the case.

lol. I've just noticed that any ailing life in my tank the shrimp are on it. Im sure they can smell the decay and are quick for a meal. Hope it not your case though.

My duncan likes a lot of light. I had to put him in a small hospital tank recently and he hates it. Doesnt open as much, especially in the morning. Takes him a while to open up. Under bright lights in my main display he was fanning all over the place at the top of the tank
Duncan dying? Those things are bullet proof! I have never in 30 years had luck with peppermint shrimp. They come out at night and do their dirty work.

Might be time for "Jerry" the shrimp to take a little journey to the 65 gallon tank to meet with some of the more aggressive fish in our office!
lol. I've just noticed that any ailing life in my tank the shrimp are on it. Im sure they can smell the decay and are quick for a meal. Hope it not your case though.

My duncan likes a lot of light. I had to put him in a small hospital tank recently and he hates it. Doesnt open as much, especially in the morning. Takes him a while to open up. Under bright lights in my main display he was fanning all over the place at the top of the tank

Currently its on the substrate, which I'm wondering is causing the shrimp to not like it. I don't know peppermint shrimp specifically but I've heard that shrimp in general in small tanks consider the substrate to be their territory. I could put him on a rock that is elevated about halfway up the tank and closer to the light as well.
Peppermint shrimp and LPS do not mix allot of times. They also do not mix with some anemones.
Fine with SPS and even most softies.
I don't see them eat aptasia when they are small, less than an inch. Mine started eating aptasia when it was about 2" and he is now 3".

Maybe he thinks the Duncan is Aptasia, when large, can and will strike at any nem, however Nems are usually to big for them to cause any real harm.

Peps are just a hit and miss item. If you love the pep, move or remove the Duncan, at least for a week and then replace in another spot. I have mine high on the rocks, low on the rocks, middle, they don't care much, but hate, hate,hate, to be moved
I don't see them eat aptasia when they are small, less than an inch. Mine started eating aptasia when it was about 2" and he is now 3".

Maybe he thinks the Duncan is Aptasia, when large, can and will strike at any nem, however Nems are usually to big for them to cause any real harm.

Peps are just a hit and miss item. If you love the pep, move or remove the Duncan, at least for a week and then replace in another spot. I have mine high on the rocks, low on the rocks, middle, they don't care much, but hate, hate,hate, to be moved

I'm fairly indifferent on the peps. They hang out upside down under rocks most of the day and since we have this tank in our office I don't see them come out at night. I got them only because was researching good stuff for starters in a tank and they came up a lot.

I know everyone is going to have their own opinions on best practices, but when I got the Duncan I was reading the forum and it seems a lot of people like them low on the substrate. In this thread though it seems like people are suggesting to put them higher up off the ground.
I'm fairly indifferent on the peps. They hang out upside down under rocks most of the day and since we have this tank in our office I don't see them come out at night. I got them only because was researching good stuff for starters in a tank and they came up a lot.

I know everyone is going to have their own opinions on best practices, but when I got the Duncan I was reading the forum and it seems a lot of people like them low on the substrate. In this thread though it seems like people are suggesting to put them higher up off the ground.

agreed! The only reason for the pep was a few aptasia, now, he's kinda out of a job....none for more than 2 years. Have the red and the skunk as well, all hide. Except for dinner.
I decided to try to move the Duncan to the other side of the tank hoping he would leave it alone. The shrimp was not happy. He jumped onto my hand and started doing his little flicking thing with his legs as I moved it haha.

I guess we will see when I go back in tomorrow if he has left it alone now that its on the other side of the tank or not.
I know everyone is going to have their own opinions on best practices, but when I got the Duncan I was reading the forum and it seems a lot of people like them low on the substrate. In this thread though it seems like people are suggesting to put them higher up off the ground.

And I'm on the other side of this. My duncans do best at the bottom of the tank. Well sitting on a rock a few inches off the bottom.
And I'm on the other side of this. My duncans do best at the bottom of the tank. Well sitting on a rock a few inches off the bottom.

I buried the base of it into the substrate. I just figured hide the base of it since I can. I don't have a problem with it being on the surface but figured might as well.


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