Petco, where I dont go...Anymore!(img INTENSE)

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I think its funny how you peolpe are more worried about complaining about petco and petsmart, they are all the same, have you looked at an online suppliers livestock, they probably treat theres the same, whether its fish, or birds or even puppies, the industry as a whole has issues and to sit here and complain is worthless to me, find a store you like that treats there livestock properly and go there, dont come on here and make this forum into a b**ch fest, no one is ever going to be able to solve the problems of the way lifestock are treated, whats next we going to have a 15 page forum on why you shouldn't eat usda beef, its all redicuales to me, if that store is so bad, which from the pics doesn't seem like it, then go talk to the store manager, but your not going to fix anything, all these people care about is how much that fish will line there pockets, not what happens tomorrow, and that even goes for the best of the lfs, who cares if your back tomorrow to buy another fish cause you put it in fs when its sw they just care that they moved the product out of the store. WE WILL NEVER CHANGE IT, use this site to help young hobbiest to know what they can keep and educate them, thats the only way, i was once that guy who had three tangs in a 58, but now i know better, and to say when you started you didnt would be a lie. Its an industry, and you will never solve the "unhumane", or what ever liberal term u want to use to describe it, treatment of FISH, after all thats all they are, lets not put them on the same scale as people. My local petco saleman is who got me into the hobby and helped me to grow throught the first crashes and the fustration of getting my tank running, now i have a nice reef that is my pride and joy in my front room. don't use this forum to drop to there level.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8956870#post8956870 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ziggy222
actually i think at petco 7.50 is serious coin lol.or hey,idk but this just a suggestion.maybe put in a filter and use idk maybe some carbon in it.thats the black gravely looking stuff that absorbes poisons from the water.don't just dip it in there once a month either,i mean leave it in there.i've seen what petsmart and a few other stores use and its alot more than an empty tidepool water filter with nothing in it for the whole wall of tanks.oh and another suggestion,it may be a good idea to not take employees off the schedule for suggesting to use carbon and take out lava rock from the tanks cause all the fish are girlfriend reelly needed that job.


7.50 is poverty...especially here in California. No experienced/knowledgeable aquarist is going to work for that.


You work at Petco?
no i dont, the whole retail industry is a pity to me, on the employee side, I will never bust my balls again for what they pay. besides, this hobby is hard enough on desent wages, much less minium wages retail will put out.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8963336#post8963336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rtstrat01
no i dont, the whole retail industry is a pity to me, on the employee side, I will never bust my balls again for what they pay. besides, this hobby is hard enough on desent wages, much less minium wages retail will put out.

Well...I thought it sounded like a biased opinion. Oh well. Carry on.
If the conditions for these tangs and triggers is so bad then let them overcharge. People are probably more willing to neglect a $1.29 guppy than a $130 trigger. More likely the high price will encourage consumers to research and care for the animal. (or simply prolong its time sitting in the store.........)

I jumped from the first page to the last, sorry if the debate on that one is closed alreay.
I was at a Petcetera and they SHOULD NOT be allowed to sell any salt water fish! Their tanks are WAY to small, and thier prices are outrageous! They don't even know what the real names of the fish are (a mandarin goby was called a lawnmower blenny). They don't feed the fish proper foods(every fish gets the same flake food) I saw an anorexic picasso and I felt soooooo bad for it. When I saw that trigger, I felt like talking the the owners of the store and talk some sence into him/her.
What city are you in ?

I was recently disgusted with a petcetera also.....

the floor staff working asked me if an anenome was a plant or an animal
Thats not true with all of them. SOme of them have great lighting. These stores are a chain. THeres huge variation. Some are better than the LFS, some are worse.

There are a few of the newer Petco "picses centers", that have sufficient lighting for corals, but there are only a few of these stores compared to the 100's that are not even close to being a decent environment for corals. This is a very rare exception, so it is incorrect to say there's huge variation from store to store.
yeh i like this thread, i actually go to petco and petsmart just to ask questions and [violation] around with the workers. its funny how they are so uneducated and uncertain about what they sell, pretty sad.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8971900#post8971900 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefshadow
There are a few of the newer Petco "picses centers", that have sufficient lighting for corals, but there are only a few of these stores compared to the 100's that are not even close to being a decent environment for corals. This is a very rare exception, so it is incorrect to say there's huge variation from store to store.
wuts a petco picses?
pisces is greek for fish.

Why are folks surprised that Petco doesnt care for their fish correctly? Everytime I log on to this forum, someone new is rantingt and raving about the conditions and pricing of fish and corals at Petco. DONT GO THERE!! Simple as that. Stop buying at Petco and they will stop carrying saltwater fish because it wont be profitable.

In the mean time, please stop the mock surprise, the huffy "Well I nevers", and the photo albums of your visit everytime you go there. What are you doing with a camera in Petco anyway. At least stop posting about it. Please. The same goes for Petsmart.

These are dog and cat stores. Go toi a specialty shop where yopu will find healthier livestock, and better and more knowlegable service.
yes we can use our dollars to decide what the stores do, however as a counterpoint, if we stop posting about these things I don't think that helpds anybody.. perhaps the "Responsible Reefkeeping" forum should be erased as well?
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