Petown El Toro

Window to the Sea was a disappointment when I came there a few weeks back. Nice stores and nice people nice but not too much as far as corals.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6899657#post6899657 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by raskal311
Window to the Sea was a disappointment when I came there a few weeks back. Nice stores and nice people nice but not too much as far as corals.

I have mixed feelings about W2C...
I get all my water there (Catalina I think) but for dry goods, I'd rather order from Marine Depot and drive up to get it. Some times I think that he knows what he is talking about, other times I think he will say anything to make a sale.

For corals and stuff, I like Jeff's Exotic, Tongs, and Pac Reef.
Not much down in south count though.
I live in Mission Viejo as well (La Paz and Olympiad).