pH historical data retention and display


New member
Like the title states, I am wondering how much historical data from the pH probe is retained using the profilux 3 or 3 ex. Days, months, years? Can that data be called upon and graphed? Is it retained in a data file that is exported to a PC on a regular basis?

Just trying to get a better understanding of what will be available beyond me waking in the room and observing the reading periodically just like I do now with an American Marine pH monitor.

So how does it work? Are the files downloaded Automatically if I have the profilux hooked up to my network via cat6? What software displays the information graphically once downloaded? Am I expecting to much or is this what I should anticipate getting from this controller? Basically, what i want to understand falls under reporting or reports the system can generate but I am being specific and am asking about pH because that matters to me. I would liken my request to a basic report that I would expect from a financial system. I say show me a graph of the pH based on hourly readings for the last month and the data is there and can be presented as an easy to read graph. Please point me to the thread or support page that details the capabilities if that is easiest.

the unit stores the data, you then go to the screen for measurement data and press the tab to generate the report this is then stored on your pc for opening, so yes a bit like generating a financial report.

I will do a screen shot later today or tomorrow for you.
Here is a screen shot of the set up screen

That's what I was looking for. Thanks! Looks like you set the frequency for taking measurements stored as data points ( up to 8192). That data is stored on the controller until you hit the read and save button or load button and transfer data to your PC? I assume the graph is pretty standard, time down one axis with pH down the other.
Thanks! Now I'm going to research Profilux driven automated water changes before I go ahead and buy a couple Liter Meter 3's.
Just read this thread.

Not convinced this approach is better than just using a pair of LM3's for more of a "continuous water change approach" vs. the automated water change approach outlined using the Profilux.


Up to what volume of water DAILY would you be comfortable recommending the use of 2 stand alone or slave dosing pumps to manage a continuous water change approach? One removing sw from the tank and the other replenishing it from a fresh sw reservoir? Would the wear and tear be too great compared to what a LM3 pump is designed to handle?
you can do continous water change with a small pump, why spend all that money on a doser what a profilux can do with a cheap small power head?

it is not advised to have a constant trickle in and trickle out you will get salinity peaks and troughs constantly, my advise would be to change a small proportion at set periods, for example 5L twice a day. Easily handled by any cheap off the shelf pump and two optical sensors from GHL.

Thanks for your thoughts. I guess my concern with your approach is the cheap pumps. They are not reliable even if they are on the best controller :-) Using the other approach I am considering will not cause any measurable flux in salinity given the timing of the removal and addition as well as the frequency using the LM3 and those pumps are rock solid.

Either way would work, I guess it comes down to personal preference and what you feel is more reliable.
In this case use the smallest Tunze or eheim pump, both rock solid last for years and with the GHL flow sensor you never have to worry about a failure.

still would save you a fortune ;)

If you are going to invest in such a high functioning controller I do advise reducing the amount of extra equipment that makes built in features of the profilux redundant as you are losing essential control options and removing more important safety back up functions, importantly also removing the ability for the unit to send you an alarm if something did go wrong or not be able to control it remotely.

For example if you had two pumps running the AWC and one failed the flow sensor would advise you and kick in the back up pump, now thats cool and fail safe!

So many features does the Profilux has! ;)
In this case use the smallest Tunze or eheim pump, both rock solid last for years and with the GHL flow sensor you never have to worry about a failure.

still would save you a fortune ;)

If you are going to invest in such a high functioning controller I do advise reducing the amount of extra equipment that makes built in features of the profilux redundant as you are losing essential control options and removing more important safety back up functions, importantly also removing the ability for the unit to send you an alarm if something did go wrong or not be able to control it remotely.

For example if you had two pumps running the AWC and one failed the flow sensor would advise you and kick in the back up pump, now thats cool and fail safe!

So many features does the Profilux has! ;)

Thanks Michael. Still trying to sift through the purchase of all the components to see if the cost benefit is really there. The reason I asked about doing smaller sw changes using the dosing pump is because I would already own a doser to handle ca and alk. I could use the other two to do the sw changes on a 4 pump doser (stand alone or slave). Now that would be cost effective and simplifies things too, which I favor. I would not buy the LM3 pumps if I went with a full blown Profilux set up, in that case, your point is very valid.

Could you please answer my question below as I think it got lost in the shuffle:

Up to what volume of water DAILY would you be comfortable recommending the use of 2 stand alone or slave dosing pumps to manage a continuous water change approach? One removing sw from the tank and the other replenishing it from a fresh sw reservoir.

Would the wear and tear be too great on a ghl doser compared to what a LM3 pump is designed to handle?

Basically, tell me the maximum amount of fluid, in this case saltwater, you would recommend the ghl profilux doser pumps in a day for sw changes and at that maximum capacity, how frequently would you anticipate maintenance being required, tube replacement, etc.


comes down to maths

the doser can pump on average 1ml of water per second. (60ml a minute)

The GHL is designed to run for a max of 15 minutes in any given dosing sequence with a 15 minute interval for cool down.

The motors are robust but no doser is designed for continual useage thats not their purpose.

It all comes down to how much are you wanting to change a day? I can give you a better answer based on that one question
If you play safe and do 8 dosing schedules a day and follow the maintenance program you should be ok.

You are then dosing 473ml per dosing cycle.