Ph Monitor


New member
HI Jermey

i call to american marine and left amessage .

i think the monitor is not good , when i calibrate to 7.00 15 time i measure back i never at the same point it's show me big different
about 7.21 , 7.14 i try to adjust it but it's not accurate i don't know why it's happened but never get good result .at the ph4 i can't dial more then 2.82 i try other fluid but it's the same.

i am not sure but i am afraid that the ph wireless thermometer will be not accurate to if i need to calibrate it to (maybe i am wrong and not need to calibrate it but this is my suspect).

best regards
Hi Jeremy

i talk with lue from AM and he said to change complate the monitor with the prob it's not good.

i wait for your replay


Hi Michael,

Did Lou say he was sending out a replacement direct to you, or did he want us to ship it out?

Hi Jeremy

i know i wait for shipping from you if you can ship me one with a return label for this one.
