PH placement in 6x2x2


New member
I have a standard 180 gallon that's starting to get infested with SPS! Currently I have 2 6085s and using the advice of some knowledgeable people tried to get a "gyre" flow. I have one mounted on the left side towards the top front shooting across the front glass and one mounted on the right side towards the top back shooting across the back. Both pumps are on all the time. I've been thinking of upgrading to a couple 6105s and/or maybe even a wavebox. What do you think the best setup would be?
I think 2 6085's and a wavebox would be a good set up, with the wave you would lay a wave motion over the gyre and should get a good overall flow pattern. You could also do 2 6105's but in terms of bang for the buck I thing the wavebox is the best way to go.
With the wavebox do you have to have a straight shot to the opposite side of the tank? I'm actually leaning towards two 6105s. If I went the 6105 route could I do the gyre type flow, place them where my current 6085s are and then have one at 100%, the other at 30% then switch using the wide flow nozzle. Or do you still recommend putting them in opposite back corners? Could I incorporate one of the 6085s with the 6105s or would this be unnecessary? Thanks Roger!
You need a minimum of obstacles, it doesn't necessarily have to be a clean, straight shot, but a solid wall of rock or an overflow box will definitely impede the performance.

Yes, you could do that with the 6105's. My recommendation for placement is not carved in stone, just a generic guideline that both addresses aesthetics and good flow but it doesn't lend itself well to a gyre.

You could do that, but the 6085 of course won't be controllable.