Phosben or NPX biopellets

Deep Reef

Active member
I'm having an issue with GHA it has taken over my tank.

tank is 6 months old and parameters are:
temp 80
Nitrates 0
ammonia 0
nitrites 0
phosphate 0.08
calcium 370
magnesium 1280
Alkalinity 7
Salinity 36
ph 7.8

I ordered a new CUC as I don't think I have enough in my 120 DT (maybe 12 snails and 2 hermits). I also purchased a TLF reactor 150 with Phosban. I was just wondering is it better to use the Phosban or the NPX biopellets?

From what if heard, if you are going to run pellets, you are better of getting a reactor that was designed for that purpose. Never run pellets, but know a couple people here that do.
I modified my tlf 150 to run pellets. It's been running for last 3 months or so. I set mine up slightly different than what I've seen others do.

I removed the bottom plate and screen. I then added a mesh screen in place of the top sponge. I use a maxi jet to provide flow.

If you already have the tlf, I'd mod it vs buying another reactor.
When using the TLF 150 just make sure you use teflon tape on the tube connections inside the reactor. If not, water will leak and the flow will be reduced. Poor tumbling and clumping will be the result.
When using the TLF 150 just make sure you use teflon tape on the tube connections inside the reactor. If not, water will leak and the flow will be reduced. Poor tumbling and clumping will be the result.

There is a washer and oring that's used on the tlf. As long as both are present. I've never had and issue with leaks.

Also the way my rector is setup, it tumbles with ease. Ill try to take a video later.
I'm not talking about an external leak. I've never had an issue with that either. If the unions between the internal tubes and the lid are not tight, water will be lost at those unions. This causes less water pressure at the bottom of the tube to tumble the pellets. Many people complain about issues with pellets tumbling properly and this is the main cause.
I'm not talking about an external leak. I've never had an issue with that either. If the unions between the internal tubes and the lid are not tight, water will be lost at those unions. This causes less water pressure at the bottom of the tube to tumble the pellets. Many people complain about issues with pellets tumbling properly and this is the main cause.

I use the plastic tlf clip on the input end. Never had an issue with them. I've had pellets slow due to clogging the first time I ran pellets years ago. Which is why I removed the bottom plate this time around. Of course I probably just jinxed myself lol.
I have a two 2LF150- one with GFO (phosban) and one with Pellets... never had bad flow with either but did jump from a Maxi600 to Maxi1200 to avoid any issues. I use Thrive bio-pellets which are smaller and lighter. Works for me... I am also running Chemipure Elite in the filter sock which also has some GFO if I am not mistaken... I have found that with any carbon sourcing (vodka,vinager, pellets,etc) you still need GFO to control you Phosphates. Just my humble opinion...