Photo Contest - September 2022 - Sump Photo

I'll play...but can't get it all in one photo due to the door configuration on the stand.

No cleanliness contest yet, we have one planned in future. this one is just to see how sumps look.
I wasn't shooting for that aspect; although, I'll take it.

The ability to quickly find and isolate potential issue(s) has become more paramount since leaving college...a very, very long time ago. If you are in the hobby long enough (decades), you'll come to realize that working smarter, not harder comes into play (or should). If your sump is chaotic (wires and so forth) and something goes awry (oh, there's smoke!)...what then? What fire extinguisher would you use? ABC...not hardly. How many water sensor alarms do you have around your tank, etc. No cleanliness, just proactive.

Bumping this up! Question…does it have to be a sump or can it be the “tank filtration system?” That way it allows anyone who runs and AIO to participate too?