photosynthetic gorgonians


New member
Hey all,
I was at my LFS today and they had some gorgonians. I really enjoy keeping gorgonians in my tank but I've never come across this variety. It looked like a photosynthetic gorgonian based on the fact that it was purple with tan polyps but I'm unsure and don't want to purchase a NPS gorgonian as I find the photosynthetic ones to be easy to keep. Does anyone know of a database of photosynthetic gorgonians that are easy to keep and has pictures so I can try to match the pictures up with what I saw at the LFS?
Thanks for the info guys, I think I'm definitely going to check out those websites ron.

I got a picture of the gorgs that I saw at the LFS. Can anyone make a positive ID and tell me whether or not they are photosynthetic. I had one of the employees text message me the photo so it's not the greatest photo but it should give enough detail to make an ID.


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I can't say 100% for sure, but I think that is a photosynthetic gorgonian. You might send the pic to Russ at Gulf Coast Ecosystems. He knows his stuff. He comes to our clubs Reef Conference every year. I'm using him now to stock up my display refugium with macro algae. I hope to stop by his facility some day soon as he is just a couple of hours up I-75 from me.