Hey everyone, I've got a Picasso Trigger and a wife that wants my new 72gal Fowlr to be converted into a reef tank. As all of you on this forum no doubt already know.. Picasso + Reef = bad idea. But what gives me hope for at least a (few) reef items is that I've got huge sea shrooms and sponges on my LR that he hasn't shown any interest in what so ever. VERY well mannered and tempered fish that hasn't displayed any agressiveness to tankmates So do you think there is ANY reef items I could put into the tank that wouldn't get destroyed? Maybe an anemone for the Clown? anything? Also, I've got 2 x 65Watt 10K white bulbs and 2 x 65Watt actinic for a total of 260Watts from a powercompact light. The tank is 22" deep, but of course anything that needed light would be mounted significantly higher 10 - 15" from light. Is that enough light for anything that might be compatable with a picasso?