Picking up the new tank today :)


New member
280 Gallon

Very, very beginning stage....it will sit until I found a house to buy (lease up at the end of January 2007). Hopefully have a house by then! :) I found the tank used locally and can't pass up on the price I got it for.

Meanwhile I have time to plan and research....

Let me start by asking, can I use my current 75 gallon tank as the sump/refugium? Is it possible/easy to add baffles to my 75 gallon? Any recommendations on set up?

You should easily be able to add the baffles to the 75, just make sure you allow the silicone to dry long enough. I siliconed in some baffles to a 55, let it dry 24 hours, set it all up, turned on the pumps for flow, and one by one, they broke loose. 24 hours obviously wasn't long enough. I was able to find a trick for removable baffles, which are ok, surely not the best, but they do the trick for now. Here's a link; http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_3/cav3i1/Baffles/baffles.htm
75 to 280 is a big jump, have you started accumulating other equipment yet?
Great link...thanks!

Nope...in the process now of acquiring equipment

Next question...I bought my 75 used which already had sand in it. I added a bag of aragonite but didnt know how much sand was originally in it. I used the calculator on the home page of RC which told me I need about 450 lbs. of sand to fill this new 280 gallon with a 4"dsb? I used the default 90lb/cubic ft? Is that approx. how much I will need?
Will it be possible to transfer everything from my old 75 gallon tank into the new 280 gallon? I'm wondering if I can use the existing sand which is in my 75 and transfer it into the new 280 therefore transferring everything right away to the new tank. I will have to get more sand to acquire a 4" dsb in the 280, so will I go through a cycle process again?
Is it possible to do this (using my old sand)?