Pics of Casper my Vulgaris

Ya you cant keep anything with them. This species will eat anything. Other species will allow some snails and certain brittle stars.
Vulgaris octos tend to live about 22 months. guessing she was about 2-3 months when I got her Oct 10 so guessing she is close to 6 months now so I would think I will have her for about another 16 months. My last vulgaris was about the size of Casper now when I got him and he lived 16 months. All octos have short life spans and it seems the larger the specie the longer the life. The Giant Pacific Octo live just under 4 years.
Oh and Casper will continue to grow for most of her live so she is going to get much larger and I will most likely have to move her to a larger tank. She is in a 93 cube now
Sorry. Not for sale. I could set you up with a system but finding a vulgaris is very rare. There are lots of other octos which are more common. If you really want one PM me.