Pics of my 400...


New member
Someday, I'll put my build thread on here....For now, here's some pics of the finished product. The tank is a bit past 1 year old at this point. Hope you like....





The tank is impressive!! Is it 1" acrylic all around? What are the dimension? James does make awesome tanks!!
Thats a terrific looking tank, it looks so natural. I thought I did see a build thread on this somewhere? either way, awesome looking.
Your tank has been a favorite of mine for some time. Glad your posting here, I've spent a lot of time searching for it just to see it. It is in my list of inspiration tanks. Just beautiful!!!
Yes, 1" all around. 6'L x 4'W x 26"H? (Could be 27"H...I can't's the length of my arm anyway)

The build thread is on another board (Canreef). That's where you've seen it.

A natural look is what I try to achieve.
Any pics of your filtration laying around you could post? Very nice btw, the water is so clear
untamed - WOW, it is looking really nice...the SPS is grown in since I saw it last. I love the SPS and the gorgonians side by side.

btw, I'm stealing your touchscreen idea ;) (except mine will be set up with the RKE)
Why must your toment us and make us hate you so? lol

Very, very nice tank!

That's one thing I've always wanted to do...I want a very natural looking tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12675434#post12675434 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
untamed - WOW, it is looking really nice...the SPS is grown in since I saw it last. I love the SPS and the gorgonians side by side.

btw, I'm stealing your touchscreen idea ;) (except mine will be set up with the RKE)

I owe everything I did to those who posted their build threads steal away!

Don't put the touchscreen close to the skimmer, like I did. If the skimmer gets too excited it spits onto the screen..sending commands to the controller!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12677015#post12677015 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Untamed12
I owe everything I did to those who posted their build threads steal away!

Don't put the touchscreen close to the skimmer, like I did. If the skimmer gets too excited it spits onto the screen..sending commands to the controller!

That is funny - its a skimmer and a controller in one...I'll be putting mine in my living room so that I can control the system from there and don't have to walk back into the tank room. I think it will look really cool to have a touchscreen mounted beside the bar to control everything.

oh, and I have one suggestion - its just my preference but I love the way a clean background highlights the corals, can you clean the back glass? :)
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I don't like...I love these pictures and your fish selection is great with the big tangs that aren't aggressive. Are you done with fish or are there others that you plan to add? If so, what else are you thinking of adding in the future as far as fish and corals?

Incredible tank man! I just went through 60 pages of awesome-ness on canreef. Keep it up!

I have a 60"x44"x24" tank from James at Envision sitting in my basement right now, so your build gave me some new ideas, and reitterated some of my intial ones...Only 45 minutes till I can finally check out the web-cam too (can you tell I have been impatiently waiting since about 9am EST? lol)

Thanks again for sharing!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12677216#post12677216 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2

oh, and I have one suggestion - its just my preference but I love the way a clean background highlights the corals, can you clean the back glass? :)

Yes, I like that look also. While the centre-back is kept clean, the left and right are impossible to clean due to the all the bh's and plumbing that runs through/behind them.

The tank is clear all around. If I did clean those areas, you would see through to plumbing and it wouldn't achieve that look anyway.

I am looking at a curtain or something so that you don't see directly into the fish room in the centre. Because the fish room is deep blue, it isn't too distracting, but I could improve that a bit.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12677496#post12677496 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tangwich
I don't like...I love these pictures and your fish selection is great with the big tangs that aren't aggressive. Are you done with fish or are there others that you plan to add? If so, what else are you thinking of adding in the future as far as fish and corals?

I'm done with adding fish for now (unless something appears that I just can't resist) Right now, that something would be a Quoy's Parrotfish.

Longer term, I'll add some small coral gobies and some sort of schooling fish. (Can't obtain pygmy sweepers, which would be perfect) These fish have to wait until the coral reaches larger size as they'll need a place to hide from the Lookdown.

I still have to catch the female blue throat trigger. (Already had to get rid of the male blue throat.) Both these fish have gone "stereotypy" this case repetitive swimming patterns. I'm of the opinion that Blue Throat Triggers are unsuitable for captivity in all but exceptionally large systems.
thanks for answering, now i have another question...I currently have a flame angel that has done exceptionally well and hasn't picked at any corals in the 3 months that I have had it, but now thinking of adding a Potter's or a bicolor angel. How has your bicolor angel done with your corals and with your other fish? thanks
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12678143#post12678143 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stunreefer

Incredible tank man! I just went through 60 pages of awesome-ness on canreef. Keep it up!

I have a 60"x44"x24" tank from James at Envision sitting in my basement right now, so your build gave me some new ideas, and reitterated some of my intial ones...Only 45 minutes till I can finally check out the web-cam too (can you tell I have been impatiently waiting since about 9am EST? lol)

Thanks again for sharing!

Nice dimensions on that tank.

I hope the camera worked for you. My WIFI network is really flaky down there and the transmission rate is often terrible.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12679171#post12679171 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tangwich
How has your bicolor angel done with your corals and with your other fish? thanks

The bicolour picks at everything, but has never shown a particular interest in anything and has not caused any concern to SPS, LPS or my clam. The same is true of my Majestic Angel.

The Bicolour is nasty toward introduced yellow fish or other angels. That's not necessarily unusual. It always sucks to be a new fish. Those power struggles have long since settled down and the Bicolour is currently no problem at all.

My fish are VERY well fed...mind you.
great information and great work on your part on having such a beautifully planned and arranged aquarium.