Pics of my new tank and a ?


Active member
Hey guys...I fianlly got my new tank set up this weekend(why I missed the tank hop). Here are the pics of my 95g wave tank!



Sorry...the 10ks are off already and its still a little cloudy from teh sand. Once I pick up my Black Leopard wrasse and watanabe angel this week I'll get better pics...

Now my question is this tank is predrilled with the overflow... what can I do to get rid of the girgling sound! it has a hole drilled in the top of the pipe...but I think it makes it worse! I have a MAG 9.5 as a return pump. For a sump I have a 20l and a 15g refugium. Any ideas what I can do to quiet it down!! Thanks guys! And let me know what you think!!
That looks like what I already have! It even has the hole in the top and everything...but I still get the sounds....
i think you have to tweak the air hole in the durso to your return pump. putting a tube helps also.
bret, that pipe was made too small. ill make you one out of larger pvc that is dead quiet. i am using two of them on my tank at home and there isin't a sound.
Thanks Josh...I posted it in another forum as well and someone else who has the same tank told me the return had to be under the water about 2 inches and that worked great! Now I just have a ton of Micro bubbles! I am going to have to figure out a way to put in some baffles or something to get rid of them...anyways here is a pic of the tank tonight...Its a little cloudy b/c I added the reef former powered a bit ago....but its coming a long great! I also got 2 new fish! I got a TINY purple tang and a black leopard wrasse!

here is a picture of the tank now...


And here a picture of my new Black leopard wrasse!

Sorry its not very clear...the little guy is always moving and picking at the rocks. Hes also eating froozen mysis and artic pods hopefully he will do great! WIsh me luck...Anyone else out there have any luck with them??
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8499993#post8499993 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bkwudzjeep
Great job on your tank! Looks great! What is the depth (front to back) at the longest/shortest width?

Thanks! its a work in progress! if I am correct it goes from around 18' at one about 24" at its wides point. Its a different and I got a REALLY good deal on it! I am not sure if I want to add more rock yet or not. I like the open look of it and was thinking of adding more sand and getting a garen eel! Not sure yet though. But so far all my fish are doing really well. This week I am going to hook up the refugium so that will help get my pods back in check...even though I got as many out of my old tank as I could!
if you don't mind me asking, what did you end up paying for that tank, i really like it and am thinking of getting one but have the wave go the other way.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8500059#post8500059 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bret61081
This week I am going to hook up the refugium so that will help get my pods back in check...even though I got as many out of my old tank as I could!

I don't feel as bad spending 20 minutes fishing through the filter socks saving as many amphipods as I can any more....:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8507392#post8507392 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bawla47
bret that tank is SCHWEEEET!

any pics of the stand?

Thanks! Its a work in progress! I need more color I think! Here is a full pic of the tank and stand...and of my new Threadfin cardinals and my tiny Purple tang!!


Here is my TINY purple tang! Thats a Maxijet 1200 next to him!! hehe...and there is no ich...its just junk in my water...I need to move the maxijet...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8527414#post8527414 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 45commando
Hi,can I ask where you got the Leopard Wrasse from & how's it doing?Very beautiful fish.

Its doing GREAT! Loves Froozen mysis and Artic pods...granted its only been a week but its eating tons of froozen so I am hopefull...I actually also picked up a Radiant Wrasse to...they stay pretty close to each other...I just hope he does as well as the leopard is doing.

And Yes Husky, my friend bought the 92g about a month ago! sorry!!
hey looks good, glad to hear that the black leopard wrasse is doing good. oh, by the way, you misspelled frozen it only has one o, not two.