pics of my new TBS nano!


New member
hope this works!


ten gallon, 96W powerquad, remora, AC mini


dont know what this is


this either...


or this...


i think this is cladacora


heres another

thanks a bunch richard for the great rock!

more pics to come!
Very cool! Great nano! Only a 10g? Looks bigger!

Anyway, the first "don't know what it is" is Siderastrea radians, a.k.a. lesser starlet coral. According to Borneman, practically indestructible. A favites family member.

The blue/yellow "whatsit" is an encrusting sponge or tunicate; likelly sponge.

The sticking out "finger whatsit" is a sponge, and will probably slowly disintegrate, leaving behind a nifty looking sponge skeleton. Behind the "whatsit" are a bunch of hidden cup corals, a.k.a. Phyllangia americana.

The cladacoras look like cladacoras

Wow nice rock

Wow nice rock

How many pounds is that? What rock did you get from them? handpicked, boatrun or what?

I am setting up a 7 gallon nano, and want to either get rock from them or gulfview.

Talk soon
this is the 10 gallon package.

i say definitely get it from TBS. for one, gulf view sends their rock wrapped in wet newspaper, which guarantees that there will be much die off. another thing is that TBS ships it IN WATER, so much of the life will be sustained when it gets to your tank.

as far as i know, the package is half deco rock, and half coral rockk.
