Pics of my tank (lots of pics!)


New member
Well, I a couple weeks ago moved my tank into different room and went with a semi-deep sand bed this time from a barebottom setup. I'd thought I'd share some pics of the new aquascape and corals, which are doing good right now. Here are some pics of most of my stonies and of few others thrown in. They're all out of order so enjoy. Let me know what you think! Sean.










The tank looks great, sand is so white!!! Why did you decide to go with a sand bed this time and what sand did you choose?
Terrific pictures. thanks so much for sharing a part of your reef. I really like it looks stunningly amazing!
Thanks everyone!

NewSchool04 - Ever since switching to barebottom I've been battling nitrates to the point of adding a remote fuge with a sand bed, which helped a lot. Being that I had the opportunity when moving the tank I opted to put sand back in. I've had SSB, BB and now a DSB in the three years of my reef.

wongkwp - Thanks, the trick is the sand bed is only 3 weeks old!

Brewen - Thanks, no problem.

saltycreefer - My thoughts too. I love that one myself and it's keep it's color too.

aaron23 - You're welcome. Thanks for your comments!
wongkwp - I forgot to add the tunzes keep it blown around a lot too which helps keep it clean and white.

Thanks Nuuze!
so you found that your nitrates rose after taking the SB out? That's weird, I always thought that BB tanks were low nutrient.
Either way, glad you came back to sand! I'm a big fan of the sand beds, like the look and like the stability that they give to my systems.
Looks great now all you need is to get them to pop like iwan's and you will be in business!

and scrape that coraline off the back!
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annienl - Thanks!

NewSchool04 - Yep, as have others too. My nitrates were in the 25-50 range, through the roof. I figured I had no nutrients and still they were there, I ran BB for about 7-8 mos. and my stonies all werer negatively impacted the whole time. It's interesting how much I missed sand (and didn't think I would).

dougie - Thanks! I wanted it to look more like a natural reef this go round with the aquascaping.

trueblackpercula - Thanks, the tank has been running overall for around three years now (most stonies added in later). I have a Hamilton 6' system with 3x250w 10k (magnetic ballasts) and 2 6' 165w VHO actinics. Good lighting imo. I have two sumps gravity connected, one a fuge and the other my main sump. I am running iwaki pressure pumps for return (70) and skimmer (55). My chiller is located outside the house in it's own enclosure, and I plan to put my topoff out there as well soon. My wife and I built the stand (10' stand) and with the help of my good buddy, we all moved the tank one room over 3 weeks ago. Whew, what a job that was.

dvanacker - I was lucky to see it. It cost a small fortune but is completely worth it. At the lfs when I bought, I was first debating between that yellow porites (which is a pretty big piece) and a rock of about 200+ blasto merletti it was nice too but a big pocketbook setback for both. They both were the same price, I choose the porites.

CeeGee - Thanks! I'm working on it...they all suffered brownout setbacks some more than others. What's iwan's secret sauce? I do know they's might look better under 14Ks. Any ideas?

Thanks again everyone. Sean.
Thank you ChAoTiCrEeFeR4U. LOL, I couldn't figure out your screen name for a couple minutes by the way it's typed like that!