pics of new Geo skimmer

I dont see any reason why the bottom would have a leak if its got a gasket in it it would be a longggggggggggg time before the gasket would fail for no reason
Ya I agree; I like the removable bottom ... seems like easier access to get in there and clean the nasties. :)
Windgod i do own a fine product from geo chech my gallery for a very large collection cup.But the removable bottom is still a bad idea on a skimmer and in time it will leak. RGibson 30 years playing with water.
yes RGibson when Geo tested it he used a cup from a different skimmer so he would not get mine dirty, now that is customer service.
I just got done unpacking the rest of the skimmer today, as far as the bottom is concerned I really donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t see a problem the bolts are 1- Ã"šÃ‚½ inches apart with a 1/8 or larger gasket and it looks like a groove has been machined into it, the acrylic is at least 3/8 inch thick on the bottom as well as the walls of the cylinders.

I know when I had my ETS skimmer the water was always past the gasket area and never leaked out as all the kalkreactors and calcium reactors that I have had in the past.

In my experience it would have to warp and acrylic being a very stable material I donââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t see this happening although GEO makes a pretty "hot" skimmer(ha-ha)

I will take a few more pics this afternoon to show you all the bottom, but as far as RCgibson is saying from an engineering point of view it is probably 1 more thing to go wrong but from a maintenance point of view it will be properly maintained due to the fact that maintenance has become more ergonomic and easier to perform , not to mention well thought out planning on the drawing board(GEO) before the construction took place
Windgod Geo should have put a flange top with the union very easy to take apart and no hole in the bottom of the skimmer.
Windgod George is a very good builder of skimmers and calcium reactors. The calcium reactors are some of the best there is and i have one of them.I just do not think that a skimmer with a hole in the bottom is a good idea.Have a good day
Sixxer, it will be hooked up to the following
240 gallon display tank
125 gallon refugium
100 gallon growout tank that will divided to house clams
and a 95 gallon sump I really dont know the capacity it will skim but I am sure I will have no problem with this one.
windgod - SWEET buddy...get pics of the skimmer already!

dang you aren't too far might have to make a 2hr trip to come see you sometime soon sounds like you are gonna have a MONSTER set up.

what size sedras are those? 5000's??


Let me know when you plan to head out there ... I'll go with you.

I'll hold him, you grab the skimmer and run! :lol:
Thanks Lunchbucket I will let you know when I am ready to set it up, here are a few pics of the final product without the pumps and as for the pumps they are a needwheel pump I dont know the brand name but they say"gx-2400" on the and they are rated for 2400 l/h.

I have also enclosed some photos of the test GEO performed



once again thanks
Looks nice - nice to see someone doing a recirculating design. DAAS used to make some a while back. They were very expensive. The one we had leaked, but boy oh boy could it skim.

I also did a DIY skimmer with a recirculating design. I bought an old oceanic 6 skimmer for $20 and plumbed a couple of maxi-jet into the body in a recirculating design. It worked well enough but would have been better with needle wheel pumps. It also looked like crap. ;)
no - no flange. We had it on a live rock vat at an lfs I worked at. It leaked around one of the fittings at the top. Just a little, and since it was in the vat we didn't worry about it. But the skimmate it produced was like nothing I've ever seen....almost a viscous mud.
I think another difference in the DAAS design was that each of the recirculating pumps had a venturi on it. That was one of the things I struggled with when I designed mine - whether or not to put the venturi on the recirculating pumps or just on the feed pump....