Pics of the Wierd


FMAS Webmaster
Premium Member
Here's are some pics of strange stuff in my tanks recently. Feel free to add you own pics.

How slow was this snail that a stalk of Xenia attached itself to its shell.


Despite its appearance, this Anthia is not dead. It routinely assumes this position to invoke a cleaning from the Peppermint Shrimp. The bizarre appearance is enhanced by the fact that the fish lost its eye on the side facing the camera.


This Sailfin Blenny found a comfy hideout in this old Crocea clam shell.

My blue linkia...looks like he's just chillin' on that Maxi-Jet:


Great thread idea! Can't wait to see what everyone else has!
very nice thread!

THE KISS OF DEATH( not really the tango flame still alive)
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My coco worm popped his crown a few months ago but by the time i noticed, the crown had landed on my acan who tried to eat it! After munching on it for about 15 hours, he let what he couldn't eat go.
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