Pictures - 800 gallon reef - 7+ years in operation

I thought we were supposed to see updated pics months ago? I hope he post some soon. I show this thread to anyone I can who is looking to do a tank in the basement.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12414227#post12414227 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Kensmith201
I was thinking more along the lines of a mangrove pond or tide pool in the solarium acting as a surge.

Me too, I think that a lagoon with dragonetts, guinards, or perhaps even a rocky lagoon with mangroves and scorpion fish would be the bees knees. I guess that in a pond you would want alot of movement so maybe in the lagoon he could have tons of schooling fish and then a bunch of starfish and crabs in the background.
This thread has to own some kind of record in that we keep posting to it, without any updates from the owner of the thread (since April). Whats neat about it is how many new people it lures in when we bump it up from the dead and someone goes thru all 34 pages.
Awesome tanks, as everyone else has said, but I see that this is a rather old thread with no recent pics. Do you have any new ones? :D
He visits this thread annually. Hopefully we will hear from him soon, and see what he did with the lagoon idea.
The 5th anniversary of this thread will coming up soon.
I wonder if the tank is still up and if it is, what condition the tank is in.
Well HCRK :confused: