Pink zoa's for trade/sale


Active member
I have a huge colony (350+) of pink zoanthids i originally got from our auction last year, well before i move next week i need to trim some of em, so i will make some frags to trade for other corals or sell. i prefer to trade. There are some pictures of the zoa colony at my photo site: the 5th picture from the top is what the colony looked like months ago, they color up great very vivid pink and fast growers. I may also have some other zoa's i'd be willing to trade if you have something i really like, for instance a colony of eagle eyes i may need to trim a few polyps off.....
For local pickup only!
Your tank looks awesome. If you ever frag any of that photosynthetic gorgonian, I'm down. Do you know if those are the same as the pinks that Jessp was selling?

In Pic 4, is that a seahare? It looks cool. I believe those are the things that eat HA like crazy. You've got some really nice colonies of zoos goin on. Really nice mixed reef!
Thanks for kind comments, although these are now outdated pictures the colonies pictured have all grown considerably, i will try to post updated pictures that will give you a better idea, i found another gorg. in sarasota recently thats vivid dark violet/purple with hundreds of polyps along the lenghty thin branches. the tank has really matured nicely in recent months and the colony of pinks is roughly a foot across in one section....
Thanks again ill try to post tonight!

Also just to let you know, for trading purposes I am interested in soft and lps corals and inverts, mushrooms, xenia, zoas, tree and colt coral and pretty much anything along those lines in bright colors.
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