pink zoas with black spot (not bugs)


New member
ok i've had this single polyp for almost 6 months with no growth moved all over the tank the current spot in photo has been its home for the last 2 weeks this spot has its best extension when open and seems to like it. i dropped it while moving my rocks the other day and it hit polyp down while open straight into the sandbed. i have dipped it with coral rx only once when i first noticed it it hasn't gotten any bigger the black spot that is. lol nor the polyp. not sure on what if anything i can do so any ideas or help in identifying would be much appreciated thank you guys. it is a frag that i received from a friend that i believe had to have it shipped from bali and picked up at customs in atlanta,ga with that i'm guessing it was wild caught but not sure to be honest. let me know if i need to add anything else to help figure this out thanks again everyone

1. Temp of tank; 79-80 bottom, 81 top
2.alk- 9
3.calc- 480
4.mag- not sure
5.sal-1.024 (34-35)
9. additives-0
10. currently running 4 hydro evos. 1 dual rated at 1500 gph and under that one rated at 1050 both on a wave controller set for 30 sec intervals waiting on my wp40 and wp 25 to get here. the other side of tank has two rated at 800 gph all the powerheads aim straight at each other and makes decent current but way to slow imo. triton 5 return rated at 1500 gph i believe and a ehopps dual overflow hob yes i know cross my fingers no floods yet. lighting two razors 420rs 13in off water hanging 20in 10000k 55 gallon sump with dyi skimmer made from a t-100a and another brand not sure with a sicca pump running both rated for 715 gph.. also running a old canister filter with just carbon in it..


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my lights just came on im trying to get some better ones and its opening slowly this morning.. will post some as soon as possible
ok will do thank you... i will also try to get some better pics.right now with my blues the way they are now,its hard not to get a solid white glare from the polyp