Pinpoint Conditivity monitor changes with location and touch


Premium Member
I recently purchased a Pinpoint Conductivity Monitor and a PH Monitor. Just tonight I noticed something strange with the conductivity monitor while checking my freshwater tank. As I bring my hand near it, the reading will change by 30-40 microSiemens. Also, it will vary wildly depending where on the tank I set it. On top of the lights, it will go well above 600. If I set it on the glass top, near the end of the light, it will drop under 300. If I set it off to the side away from the tank its near 500.

Are the readings affected by interference from electrical devices and other objects near it or is it possible I have a defective monitor? I would have expected the cable to be shielded to prevent any such interference.

Thanks for your inquiry. You are correct, the probe's readings do get affected by electrical interferance from other equipment you have in your tank. This is also fairly common for pH probes. I would suggest taking a cup of sample water and testing the monitor away from any other electrical device. This will let you know if the unit is defective or if it's the wires crossing and so on.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Ben R.
Must be interference from my pc lighting. When the lights are off, I can only make it vary 2-3 Microsiemens.
I just found that if I run my pinpoint on a 9volt battery instead of a power adapter, I get a steady reading