placement and feeding


New member
where should I place my rics, yumas, and shrooms? the tank is a 20 long w a 24" 96 watt light. their are no SLR.

also, how should I feed? I have tryed leaving brine on my shrooms but they didnt eat it. why? would feeding fish eggs, brine and krill (to the largest shrooms), help w/ growth? how often should I feed them if I want them to grow quickly?
You dont need to feed them anything. They get their nutrition from photosynthesis( light in other words). I think there is a misconception that mushrooms need to be fed. I am sure it does not hurt to give them extra food, but they dont need it. I have had all kinds of Yumas, FL rics and rhodactis, never fed them directly. They multiply like crazy.
I know they dont need to be fed, but it cant hurt, and I am looking for fast growth. thanks for the responces, anyone else?