Placement for Tunzes and wavebox on 180 gallon


Active member
I seem to have tons of flow, but a few dead spots, I just don't understand why!

Standard 6X2X2 tank, center overflow. Rockwork is fairly open, couple pillers, and a decent pile up in the center. I currently have wavebox on the right side, front of the glass. Tunze 6100's are on pulse mode, 40% to 100%, every 10 seconds or so. Tunze's are back wall, corners, angled towards the front center.

Any suggestions?
You might try angling the 6100's to hit about 1ft past the center and change to Interval 2 mode with a 3-6 hr interval.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15390753#post15390753 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
You might try angling the 6100's to hit about 1ft past the center and change to Interval 2 mode with a 3-6 hr interval.

Interval 2 mode ? can this be found on the 7096 ?