Planning a really really really big tank.

If money is not an issue, I'd go with 5-6 1,000 watt halides. I'd go with CL, sea swirls, tunze's and a surge.

A very large 100+ gallon needle wheel skimmer. All Deltec equipment, Cal. reactor, Kalk stirrer, and reactor for rowaphos/charcoal.

Let's set it up with auto monitoring system 300+ gallon sump and 100+ gallon fuge mounted above the tank for pods replenishment.

Basically the sky is the limit... You have to also understand he's talking about a monster tank without any questions, other than lighting, and limited flow.

My recommendation would be figure out all the support equipment for which type of mixed reef you plan on keeping and purchase all first, than worry about building a tank.The tank will be the least expensive investment of the whole system... you could be talking upwards of $$$$$ lots

Just my .2 cents
I think I'll consider the 4 1000 watt halides. I'll have to do some research on that. I'll also have to reconsider my flow maybe I'll add 3 more serges and another hammerhead to the tank That would be a ton of flow. My rock work will be something like the one in this post I like the way it looks. I think I'm going to get my skimmer from spazz. His skimmers look pretty good and I prefer the taller skimmers to the wider ones. my tank will not be the full 48 inches deep I will have a deep sand bed ( about 4 inches) and I'm going to leave about 4 inches at the top for the surge. So the depth will be more like 40 inches. Fortunately I'm not planning on building this tommarrow so I can figure out what I need to do and start collecting equipment. The sump will also be plywood I figure it will be good practice for the tank. It will be 24 x 24 x 96 I have a 120 that will become my fuge. The plywood Ill use bisuts to connect together and the epoxy will bond it so it wont go anywhare that way I wont have to buy 11 foot plywood. Sketchup is a pain in the butt when you first start playing with it but after you get used to it and follow the tips they give you its pretty easy I wuld segest trying to draw basic shapes before drawing your tank it gets y ou used to it and its less irritating. I hope I dident miss anything.
Sounds great, keep us posted... I enjoy large tanks builds, almost more than running a large reef.

Happy reefing