Hi chaps,
a mate of mine is planning the above as his first pop at Saltwater & would love as much feedback/suggestions as possible on his potential set-up so far?
His current thinking is as follows - 6ft tank with sump (I would persume about 130+ G) main occupant the fantastic Volitan Lion. Possible tanks mates so far - Tangs (Regal), Wrasses, Dwarf Angels (Flame), Groupers (Panther). Ocean Rock, heater, powerheads, Ro/DI unit.
Myself have a 55g Reef and no nothing regarding setting up a FOWLR (but in this case Ocean Rock). As well as a good skimmer would he need a filter also? Is a UV necessary? How many Powerheads? Would he need the skimmer?
I would think a tank this size going FOWLR would, pending correct equipment & not overstocking basically look's after itself? No LR, algae, hermits etc to worry about.
Any suggestions/help would be very much appreciated.
a mate of mine is planning the above as his first pop at Saltwater & would love as much feedback/suggestions as possible on his potential set-up so far?
His current thinking is as follows - 6ft tank with sump (I would persume about 130+ G) main occupant the fantastic Volitan Lion. Possible tanks mates so far - Tangs (Regal), Wrasses, Dwarf Angels (Flame), Groupers (Panther). Ocean Rock, heater, powerheads, Ro/DI unit.
Myself have a 55g Reef and no nothing regarding setting up a FOWLR (but in this case Ocean Rock). As well as a good skimmer would he need a filter also? Is a UV necessary? How many Powerheads? Would he need the skimmer?
I would think a tank this size going FOWLR would, pending correct equipment & not overstocking basically look's after itself? No LR, algae, hermits etc to worry about.
Any suggestions/help would be very much appreciated.