Plastic Driveway Rods for Aquescaping


New member
Are these safe for pinning my rock together? I've read that a lot of people use the fiberglass rods, which are probably stronger, but if I'm not doing anything too crazy should the plastic driveway rods work? The Lowes and Home Depots in my area don't carry the fiberglass ones, only plastic. I could order them, but I really want to get my cycle started this weekend since I'm about to go out of town for a few weeks.
In general the whole "leaching" issue is one big fat rumor/wives tail..

unless one is talking about shipping bags, then there is backed science about that, the nonylphenol an FDA approved food grade slipping agent is highly toxic to certain fish. but thats a different subject.
just in case you want to read about it
This study is referenced as: Hamlin HJ, Marciano K, Downs CA (2015) Migration of nonylphenol from food-grade plastic to the coral reef fish Pseudochromis fridmani. Chemosphere 139:223-228.

the plastic rods will be fine