Playing with my iphone at Memfish

Man that is awesome....can you go back and make sure you scan the prices as well so we can all shop at home? lol .....Richard needs to jump all over that and get in the game. Can you imagine how much more exposure (sales) he could get if we could all simply log on and see what is new in the store....

...almost bagged that foxface but we decided he needed a bigger tank......nice size for $40

Hey, I hear if you dress up like a painter (white jeans, white hat, white tshirt and a white towel over your shoulder) and come in on Sunday afternoon, they are giving away aquarium lights...up to 100% off. Just grab what you want and walk right out the door...and if you get to the car and forget to get a replacement bulb, go back and get what you need.....think that I saw it on youtube
Richard had to put Jay on the payroll, to off-set Onereef's new 120-brick expense, so he made him CMO - Chief Marketing Officer!

(Nicely done.)

My buddy just GAVE me the (Complete!!!!!) ADOBE Creative Suite CS5 MASTER COLLECTION! It includes Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, etc., etc., etc.!

It's gonna take me 5-years to figure out how to use it all!

What's inside:
Photoshop® CS5 Extended
Illustrator® CS5
InDesign® CS5.5
Acrobat® X Pro
Flash® Catalyst® CS5.5
Flash Professional CS5.5
Flash Builder® 4.5 Premium Edition
Dreamweaver® CS5.5
Fireworks® CS5
Contribute CS5
Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5.5
After Effects® CS5.5
Adobe Audition® CS5.5
Adobe OnLocation™ CS5
My buddy just GAVE me the (Complete!!!!!) ADOBE Creative Suite CS5 MASTER COLLECTION! It includes Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, etc., etc., etc.!

It's gonna take me 5-years to figure out how to use it all!

What's inside:
Photoshop® CS5 Extended
Illustrator® CS5
InDesign® CS5.5
Acrobat® X Pro
Flash® Catalyst® CS5.5
Flash Professional CS5.5
Flash Builder® 4.5 Premium Edition
Dreamweaver® CS5.5
Fireworks® CS5
Contribute CS5
Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5.5
After Effects® CS5.5
Adobe Audition® CS5.5
Adobe OnLocationâ„¢ CS5

That is an awesome gift!
Dang when did Pinnacle Airlines get into the software business ...... Marty you been wheeling and dealing again?

I actually think he gave it to me out of a software system from an old Russian spyplane that they were running tests on. Mums the word.........