PLC and FW 5.05 Beta

this is great news and gives lots of features people have been waiting for such as power bar current monitoring and 1-10V voltage display lots of other things too

display brightness keeps maximal during calibration (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- stronger and longer thunderstorms possible
- email notification through ProfiLux 3: tokens in the message are evaluated, it is possible to send emails with actual states (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- current pumps can be assigned to pump groups in any order
- token $$SWIC$$ for displaying the current of a power outlet in a webpage (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- supports EHEIM-Controller (control of EHEIM Professional 3e filter)
- automatic error reset in the level control
- ProfiLux 3 offers now 4 independent maintenance programs, all interfaces and sockets are included (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- ProfiLuxControl is able to display the voltage of each 1-10V-interface
- ProfiLux reads the currents in a Powerbar-PAB, ProfiLuxControl is able to display them (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
- it is possible to use token $$OTVI$$ in loops (affects ProfiLux 3 only)
Do we need to back-up the data through the "transmit setting to file"? Haven't used that one before...

Thanks, Tim

PIII ex...
Ok... How do we do a firmware upgrade. Sorry to ask a dumb question but I'm crazt busy and I need an answer quickly.

Thanks in advance!