I think this thread closed down a few years ago. I thought it was cool and wanted to see if Sk8r or snorvich would comment on my fish selection. I'm pretty confident in my fish selection, decently confident on the cuc save for the snails, and wondering if my tank is big enough or if I'll be pushing the limit.
My DT is approx. 65g and sump approx. 24g. I'm only 11 days into my cycle, so I've got a ways to go. I've got a mini-g skimmer, refugium (setup pending), cobalt C-ray 200 LED, 2 wavelink powerheads, ATO with RODI, QT ready to go and all the testers and kits. Even a chiller as I live in LA with little AC. I'm going for a mixed coral reef tank with the following critters:
Assorted Hermit crabs (an electric blue leg, Halloween, scarlet)
Turbo snails (Mexican, chestnut)
Spiny star snails
Cerith snails
Fighting Conch
Blood red shrimp
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Arrow Crab?
Fire Fish x2
Zebra Barred dartfish x2
Royal Gramma
Tailspot Blenny
Neon Blue Goby
Sharknosed Goby
Highfin Goby
Red Dragonet
I want to seed my tank and sump with copepods for the mandarin and red dragonet. And do more research to see if they are compatible and will have enough room. I figure most of these fish are small so they'll all have plenty of room.
My DT is approx. 65g and sump approx. 24g. I'm only 11 days into my cycle, so I've got a ways to go. I've got a mini-g skimmer, refugium (setup pending), cobalt C-ray 200 LED, 2 wavelink powerheads, ATO with RODI, QT ready to go and all the testers and kits. Even a chiller as I live in LA with little AC. I'm going for a mixed coral reef tank with the following critters:
Assorted Hermit crabs (an electric blue leg, Halloween, scarlet)
Turbo snails (Mexican, chestnut)
Spiny star snails
Cerith snails
Fighting Conch
Blood red shrimp
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Arrow Crab?
Fire Fish x2
Zebra Barred dartfish x2
Royal Gramma
Tailspot Blenny
Neon Blue Goby
Sharknosed Goby
Highfin Goby
Red Dragonet
I want to seed my tank and sump with copepods for the mandarin and red dragonet. And do more research to see if they are compatible and will have enough room. I figure most of these fish are small so they'll all have plenty of room.