Please do something about this guy - Fiki Prima


New member
I'm not normally one to rant about stuff on the internet, but this has gotten me really worked up.

There is a user on YouTube - named Fiki Prima. He's got a 150 gallon FOWLR and a reef tank that looks to be about 20 gallons. Nothing out of the ordinary - at least it seems.

Let's look at the stock in his tanks.

I didn't make note of the corals in his reef tank, but the fish in there were a percula clown, a maroon clown, a talbot's damselfish, somewhere around 10 mollies, a clown triggerfish, a black dogface puffer, a regal tang, and a mustard tang. ALL IN A 20 HIGH.

It gets worse - the 150 gallon had a blacktip reef shark, coral catshark, blue spotted ribbontail ray, clown triggerfish, undulated triggerfish, blue line triggerfish, porcupine pufferfish, tesselata eel, emperor angelfish, blueface angelfish, regal angelfish, goldflake angelfish, red sea sailfin tang, and a foxface. ALL THAT in a 150 gallon tank. It looks wider than a standard 150, but no matter what the dimensions of the tank are - those fish don't all belong in a 150. Honestly, only the regal angel, goldflake angel, and foxface should be kept in a tank that size.

Well, I say had because he claimed that after a month everything (save for the blue spot ray and tesselata eel) died of velvet, and that he "learned his lesson". Well, clearly not - because he quickly restocked the tank with a napoleon wrasse (so he claims), vlamingi tang, shovelnose guitarfish, and his existing eel and ray.

About two weeks ago, he posted another update - he has added a brown banded bamboo shark and a crocodilefish to his tank. That is his most recent update on either tank.

I went and posted a comment on his most recent video, telling him that his tank was too small and that he needed to upgrade desperately, his response was that he is planning a new project that will be finished in February of 2017. Can't wait to see it, because those fish are going to need a MASSIVE tank when they get some more size on them. Massive by even my standards, and I'm into keeping larger sharks.

What's even worse is all of the people who are promoting this behavior on his videos. Just going through them I counted EIGHT people who complimented his tank, giving no feedback whatsoever on the overcrowding of those poor fish.

To add further insult to injury, I was called out for "being a rude person" by correcting his behavior and shaming him for it (not by him, by someone else), as well as politely telling off people who were giving him the false information that he wanted to hear.

Some suggestions that have been given to him are:
  • Release your fish in the ocean, since that's where they came from
  • "You're trying, that's what counts"
  • It's okay, because rays bump into each other in the wild so there's no reason they can't be kept like this in captivity

Okay, enough of my ranting - why did I post this? Well, hopefully this thread blows up and we can get this guy to stop keeping fish, at least until he realizes that he should be focused on what's best for the fish, not his own personal entertainment.

It is a real shame that our hobby will be taking a hit due to this one greedy individual who wants to have every cool fish in the ocean right in his living room. It's also a shame that he managed to get a combination of fish and corals that would cost over $5,000 to put together in the United States, only to let nearly all of them die due to poor husbandry techniques.

So, if you have a minute of your time, please leave this guy a comment letting him know that what he's doing is wrong, and that he really does need to stop. I am going to look into how he got his fish, because I know that napoleon wrasses are protected in some localities, and that if he collected the fish and/or corals himself, he could be in some kind of trouble. So if anything he did was illegal, I plan to alert the authorities about it.

Sorry for my long rant, and enjoy the rest of your holiday season
He keeps stating that he will upgrade his tank around february 2017, be all of his current aquarium inhabitants will perish before they can be moved. Also his new aquarium has to be huge, knowing that he has a fish capable of reaching over six feet and living over 40 years.
I am not Sure Reef -Central is the place to post this Grievance.

You can only Lead a Horse to the Water ,
I am not Sure Reef -Central is the place to post this Grievance.

^^This^^ I get where you're coming from and I'm sure most people on this forum feel the same way about people who treat the hobby with little respect. However, commenting on people's youtube videos and posting rants won't really help or fix anything, IMO.
Most of all. If you are going to decide what someone can and can't have/do then why shouldn't someone else decide the same for you.
You can't cure stupidity. It's terminal. The most you can do is muffle it with duct tape or knock it out with a 2x4, which would be a waste of tape and you'd have killed a tree for nothing.
In comments of this video ( he said all of his fish are dead due to velvet and he started a new project. I am not sure if cartilaginous fish can even get velvet. They most likely died due to lack of space and resulting stress. Considering the cost of those fish and restocking such a tank, he is simply a rich p-r-i-c-k (sorry but I want this to be visible) who doesnt care about animals.
^^This^^ I get where you're coming from and I'm sure most people on this forum feel the same way about people who treat the hobby with little respect. However, commenting on people's youtube videos and posting rants won't really help or fix anything, IMO.

I agree.

FWIW I have seen many Asian tanks that by our standards here in N. America would be heavily overstocked. Different parts of the world have different practices when it comes to keeping tanks.
In comments of this video ( he said all of his fish are dead due to velvet and he started a new project. I am not sure if cartilaginous fish can even get velvet. They most likely died due to lack of space and resulting stress. Considering the cost of those fish and restocking such a tank, he is simply a rich p-r-i-c-k (sorry but I want this to be visible) who doesnt care about animals.

That's what I was thinking - as far as I know, cartilaginous fishes rarely get the same conditions and diseases that bony fishes can get. Velvet doesn't seem likely. And judging by his experience, he probably wouldn't be able to tell what velvet actually was.

Thanks to everyone who has replied. It may not seem like we can do anything, but I'm going to try. Apparently, he is in possession of an illegal fish - his napoleon wrasse. I told him that he can either sell his fish and his tank to someone who will use it appropriately, or I will alert the proper authorities. I have no idea whether they will actually do anything, but he is breaking the law and there's still a chance he could get into some trouble for it so we can hope.
While I do not condone or support people who stuff dozens of fish in a small tank and while I completely understand your anger. I think the bigger problem in this world is people who just love to mind other peoples business. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but really guys? If this is all people these days have time to do...............then my hope in humanity is truly lost. Tend to your own aquarium, do a water change, test your Alk,Cal, and Mg levels, go on Marine and buy something for your tank, take your wife out to dinner, play ball with your kids, read a book on reef keeping, watch a good movie. Trying to antagonize some stray dude on Youtube, because you don't like his tank? Really? Sorry, I know many out there feel the same way you guys do, but believe me there are many who would say I hit the nail on the head, even if they were a bit shy to say so. Seriously, guys read what you all are saying and really think about it.......... anyways, good luck in your endeavors to get "Fiki Prima" in trouble. No hard feelings fellow reefers.... just telling it like it is. :thumbsup:
While I do not condone or support people who stuff dozens of fish in a small tank and while I completely understand your anger. I think the bigger problem in this world is people who just love to mind other peoples business. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but really guys? If this is all people these days have time to do...............then my hope in humanity is truly lost. Tend to your own aquarium, do a water change, test your Alk,Cal, and Mg levels, go on Marine and buy something for your tank, take your wife out to dinner, play ball with your kids, read a book on reef keeping, watch a good movie. Trying to antagonize some stray dude on Youtube, because you don't like his tank? Really? Sorry, I know many out there feel the same way you guys do, but believe me there are many who would say I hit the nail on the head, even if they were a bit shy to say so. Seriously, guys read what you all are saying and really think about it.......... anyways, good luck in your endeavors to get "Fiki Prima" in trouble. No hard feelings fellow reefers.... just telling it like it is. :thumbsup:

While I think that is particular fight is wasted effort (not because of the principle, but it would be extremely unlikely to be successful), I whole-heartedly disagree with outlook on humanity, at least how I interpreted it to be from your post. I'm trust you will correct me if I misread it. One of things that is wrong with us today is everybody minds their own business. We keep our heads down, ignore the wrong doings, and think that someone else will take care of it, or its not hurting me so why should I care. Nobody really cares about anything anymore until its directly effecting them, and that is one of the big problems with the world. I think we would be a lot better off if everyone had one cause that they truly believed in and actively worked to better. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". I realize that isn't directly what you are saying by people minding their own business, but this isn't someone stating that someone has 3 tangs in a 90 gallon, it's a very extreme case of overstocking/and probably goes well beyond what would be considered abuse. As I stated earlier, I don't think much will come of this, but I commend the OP for trying.
You are correct in some ways and I do love that quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke. Let's be clear though. I feel an analogy is in order here. Calling the police because you witness an old man getting his butt whooped by some low life thugs who try to steal his wallet....... by all means intervene and do not mind your business. Trying to get some guy with a bunch of fishes in his aquarium that you feel is wrong in trouble........ Mmmm, I'm going to say mind your business. A bunch of fishes in a glass box holds no candle to the light of a human being harmed. There is no comparison...period. I will have to respectfully disagree in that we are a world where everyone minds their own. Social media has connected humanity in ways we could have never imagined. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, the media, we know everything about everyone's private business. Sadly, many of us don't stop to enjoy the simple pleasures of our own life because we are to wrapped up in others. All of our faces glued to our cell phones and tablets..... waiting to see and read about other people's lives. The Kardashians, the Trump family, the Obama family, Hollywood stars, foreign dignitaries, our neighbors new BMW..... phift....... how can they afford a car like that. Look at the size of her diamond ring..... God she must be all about money. Did you hear John is having an affair with a co-worker? Cathy looks like she had some plastic surgery..... who is she trying to impress. The list goes on and on and on and on. IMO, most of us need to focus on our own life and not critique others. So that being said I'd like to close with "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" Happy Reefing, and Happy New Year to all my fellow Reefers. Again just telling it like it is. No Hard feeling.
You are correct in some ways and I do love that quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke. Let's be clear though. I feel an analogy is in order here. Calling the police because you witness an old man getting his butt whooped by some low life thugs who try to steal his wallet....... by all means intervene and do not mind your business. Trying to get some guy with a bunch of fishes in his aquarium that you feel is wrong in trouble........ Mmmm, I'm going to say mind your business. A bunch of fishes in a glass box holds no candle to the light of a human being harmed. There is no comparison...period. I will have to respectfully disagree in that we are a world where everyone minds their own. Social media has connected humanity in ways we could have never imagined. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, the media, we know everything about everyone's private business. Sadly, many of us don't stop to enjoy the simple pleasures of our own life because we are to wrapped up in others. All of our faces glued to our cell phones and tablets..... waiting to see and read about other people's lives. The Kardashians, the Trump family, the Obama family, Hollywood stars, foreign dignitaries, our neighbors new BMW..... phift....... how can they afford a car like that. Look at the size of her diamond ring..... God she must be all about money. Did you hear John is having an affair with a co-worker? Cathy looks like she had some plastic surgery..... who is she trying to impress. The list goes on and on and on and on. IMO, most of us need to focus on our own life and not critique others. So that being said I'd like to close with "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" Happy Reefing, and Happy New Year to all my fellow Reefers. Again just telling it like it is. No Hard feeling.

You bring up a very valid and strong point with the social media. I agree very much with your sentiments on things of the nature that you described here. However I think that this case goes beyond mere overstocking. It's the fish equivalent of keeping a bunch of dogs that you are unable to properly feed and house. It would be like keeping them on a 4 foot chain for their entire lives and letting them sit in their own waste day after day. As I said before, it's my opinion that it is way worse then the typical your tank is too small for that tang. But that is just my opinion. Thank you for your point of view.
I read most of the thread. I am involved in rescue. While I truly feel the pain of the situation, until we educate 'any/all society/societies)' to understand the suffering of a life, be it of any kind, just offer info to help and add to social media. Never hurts to add a life saving opinion. Future is to come.
I read most of the thread. I am involved in rescue. While I truly feel the pain of the situation, until we educate 'any/all society/societies)' to understand the suffering of a life, be it of any kind, just offer info to help and add to social media. Never hurts to add a life saving opinion. Future is to come.

I agree with this statement. I love the Edmund Burke quote. In this case I think education is the sole course of action. As someone earlier said "you can lead a horse to water..." this doesn't mean we don't stop leading horses to water. If this aquarist does not learn his lesson, he is one of the horses who will not drink. I'm curious to see what his supposed upgrade will be in February.

Those with a conscience, holding themselves to some type of higher ethical standard will acknowledge the faults, and attempt to maintain tanks which are properly designed for the inhabitants.
I agree with this statement. I love the Edmund Burke quote. In this case I think education is the sole course of action. As someone earlier said "you can lead a horse to water..." this doesn't mean we don't stop leading horses to water. If this aquarist does not learn his lesson, he is one of the horses who will not drink. I'm curious to see what his supposed upgrade will be in February.

Those with a conscience, holding themselves to some type of higher ethical standard will acknowledge the faults, and attempt to maintain tanks which are properly designed for the inhabitants.

It was me who said that. And i agree we should give them the Educated reasons why its wrong in a non aggressive as possible way, But just yelling at said person what they are doing is wrong and being demanding will NOT change the behavior..

Just wanted to point out i have no problem telling someone they are wrong. I just see no use in Arguing or being demanding over the issue when it will GET Nothing changed..

I read most of the thread. I am involved in rescue. While I truly feel the pain of the situation, until we educate 'any/all society/societies)' to understand the suffering of a life, be it of any kind, just offer info to help and add to social media. Never hurts to add a life saving opinion. Future is to come.


The hardest part I have with the tank is teaching the wife/kids 'why' we can't have a particular fish that they like in the fish store.