PLEASE HELP (Heliacus snail)


I have a Huge rock filled with several different kinds of zoos on it. I found a Heliacus snail on it. I removed the snail but since then my zoo's don't seem to open like they used to. I'm not sure if eggs were laid but I don't see any. is there anything I can do to save this rock?

BTW: my water parameters are within the normal range.
did a quick google search, pretty much all you can do is just remove the snail and look out for others in between the polyps. they are nocturnal so it will probably help to check your tank at night
I had a zoo colony that I had for a while and I found on on it. I took it off and then never found another. I would say get it to close up and do a magnifying search and a fresh water dip if you can. You may have no more. you may have babies. No way to know except to keep a watch out. Sure bet if the colony starts to shrink...I found mine because it ate a few polyps in the middle. And there was always one polyp closed.
just pick through the coral w/ tweezers you should be able to see most. a dip won't do anything because they seal up very tightly and the fw won't really penetrate.
i doubt you will find any eggs, just keep an eye on the coral and occasionally take it out and inspect it until things are cool.
ok, well i removed the adults all that i can see. i've been watching it with and without the lights. so far i think i'm in the clear. i just hope they recover and there aren't any eggs that can hatch out.
i had them along with nudis. i used pro coral to kill them but it took about 1.5 times the dosage and 2hrs 15mins to kill the nudis and snail.

The zoos did well and the snails all died but the nudis didnt all go. i was able to get all of them with Potassium permanganate which worked very well on them and the eggs.