Please help I lost a lot of zoa I bought the don't open much


New member
I have 34 gallon no sump. Can't seem to keep some open maybe doing something wrong. Water parameter ammonia 0 , ph 8.2 , salinity .26, nitrate 0, nitrate20 ppm, calcium 420 to 300, phosphate 0, .in lighting I give them light 8 hours led ai sol and water usually temp is about 76 to 78. They just seem to close up the regular green color and yellow some only open a few buds, I have good flow in tank mp10 for flow so since there closed up they also develop a film on the which I blowoff with turkey baser. Everyone has Zoa open except me about feed hardly feed just cyclooped.
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Some pictures would probably help.

Do you have other colors that are healthy and growing?

What's your alaklinity?

Do you run a protein skimmer?

What is your water change routine?

Are you using 0 tds water to mix your salt water?

Do you use a refractometer and was it properly calibrated using a calibration solution?
He's i have a a nano tank and yes I have ,a small protein skimmer yes I used a refractor meter and it calibrated to the Rodin water is a new unit it has 0 tds I don't check for alkalinty is that the kh test.
how do you have a 120 point window of differential with your calcium? not that this will affect the zoas much. look for nudis/their eggs after lights out?
you might have zoa nudibranch. That would keep them from opening up. You can usually see them under actinics if the zoas are closed.

Did you dip your zoas before you added them to the tank? If not you might wanna do that.

Other than that I really dont know. But should deff dip them
Doesn't anyone stop give comments here to help other 20 people read my post and no comments

so you get super impatient when you didnt give anyone a chance to really answer, and now you cant be bothered to show back up and answer some questions so that people can help you.

I love zoas and I have them all along the bottom of my reef. They have never done well because I discovered that I have tiny little nudibranchs eating them. In fact, I think I'll back up to the main Zoa forum and ask if there's a cure-all for nudibranchs...