Please help me remove acrylic scatches...I'm in trouble


New member
Okay, so I maintain a local nightclubs tanks. There is one 250G and 2 150 cubes on the corners. I took a friend to help me cleen them today. Well, all three tanks are acrylic. We cleaned them up, then noticed multiple scratches. They were very dirty and had a lot of coraline spots so we really had to scrub. Anyways, we scratched the hell out of a few spots. The club owner is a real stickler about scratches and hoenestly, I feel as if he might make me buy them because of these scratches. They're not that deep but noticible up close. The owner is currently out of town and gets back Sunday. I know I will get a disturbing phone call the moment he walks in the door. I really need some help. I am DESPERATE here. Does anyone have a proven method of removing scratches from acrylic without draining the tanks???????? They're really not that deep. Removing the water is really not an option. I guess it would be a last resort. I hate to place the blame on my buddy but I personally know better. It's my fault none the less and the repracusions are all on me. This guy is really hard to reason with. Any suggestions?


You are f*&ked. You should own up to the mistake and offer to get the tanks professionally repaired.

You are bonded and have insurance, right?
PM Marc Daniels here on RC. He may have some advice for you as he's in that very business (scratch removal w/o draining water-reef safe methods).
blufish- Yes I'm insured, however that has nothing to do with my thread. I'm not looking for legal advice, rather helpful solutions. I'm looking for solutions prior to legal action, of course.

GreshamH- I will try to Pm marc Daniels. What is his Rc name markdaniels? thanks in advance.

Well it sounds like you are trying to "fix" the scratches before the owner returns so he won't notice. That does not sound like a professional way to handle the situation.

"I know I will get a disturbing phone call the moment he walks in the door."

Oh really? You won't get a "disturbing" phone call if you own up to the situation first.

The pro thing to do is let him know what happened as soon as possible along with your plan to remedy the situation, and then have the tanks professionally repaired.
I dont plan to hide or coverup anything. the owner will know what happened whether the scratches are fixed or not.

Will a moderator please close this thread. It is going nowhere.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8008909#post8008909 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by algundo
blufish- Yes I'm insured, however that has nothing to do with my thread. I'm not looking for legal advice, rather helpful solutions. I'm looking for solutions prior to legal action, of course.

GreshamH- I will try to Pm marc Daniels. What is his Rc name markdaniels? thanks in advance.


Marc Daniels is both his name and handle. His forum of choice would be the MARS (Sacramento, CA) club forum, of which he's VP.
Of course there are scratch kits that you can get that you can safely use under water. Fish And Other Ichthy things has some nice kits that will work underwater and they say that will take care of fine scratches. I have not actually tried it though.

GreshamH- Thanks for the reference. Marc actually PM'd me today offering advice. I gave him my telephone number and he is supposed to call me. He seems to be very knowledgable and will be a great help.

Thanks agian,