Please help! My clown fish has a cloudy eye


New member
I have a pair of clown fish that I've had for over a year. The female laid eggs roughly three weeks ago and today she laid more eggs. I noticed tonight that her eye is cloudy and a little lump on it. I haven't added anything to my tank for months and my water perameters check out fine. Could she have ich or something? I tried to take the best pics as possible tonight of the pair garding the eggs. You can see the glossy right eye.

Any help would be appretiated. Stuff like this keeps me up all night stressed.



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Also, I was thinking of doing a FW dip. I don't want to wait too long and risk the life of my fish. You know, Vets need to start accepting fish! This research on you own suchs! I love my fish as much as I love my dog!
Its not ICH wait for more post and dont do a FW dip yet... Probable nothing to worry about but, I am not 100% sure what it is.
Mine had the same thing happen if I remember correct I just let it take it's corse but I think there is a medicine for it
Cool! I have my FW bowl ready but told myself to hold off. I feel that she might have hurt her eye or it's related to her laying eggs and then stress. She is healthy and eating with no problem.
Is she breathing heavily??

Research FLUKES that what it sounds like to me...I am not an expert!
No. She acts normal and helping guard the eggs. She seems normal like she always is. All other fish appear to be fine as well. I don't run any UV. Do you run UV. I just find it odd that I've made no changes nor added anything to my tank for months but do relize things can happen. Should I run UV?
I noticed this morning that the clown has a red spot on her eye as well. My guess is that she might have injured her eye. Anyone ever see this?