Please Help w/ my ASM Skimmer


New member
I've had my ASM 4x up and running on my 240 gal tank w/ 150 sump/refug for about 2 months. I clean it out once a week and I only have about one and a half inches of skimmage and if I set the flow higher I just get watered down skimmage. so the question I have is, is the skimmer big enough? should I try some kind of mod. or should I can the whole ASM. I'm open for sugestions. Please help. 9 fish and 2 gorgonians. 150 lbs of sand and 160 lbs of rock.:confused:
I have a G6 on my 180 and ot works wonders. For Sale now though :( But i know what your talking about put the gate vale Mod on it thats what I did and know it works awesome
mine is a 240 and my g3 kicks butt, yours is a step up so it should be fine. In inches the level in the 55 is 11". Tina
For a 240g FOWLR the G-4x is probably ok... I wouldn't try and keep any corals that require excellent water quality though. My G-3 sits in appx 9" of water in the sump, that was the consensus I got from surveying other G-3 owners. The G-4x isn't that much taller so you may have it in too much water but I can't say that your current level is minimizing your skimmers effectiveness.

As for the skimmate: When you skim wet... the skimmate will be lighter and you'll get more of it. Don't confuse the difference in the skimmate with how well it's working... it's still pulling out the crud. You're just pulling out a little more water so it's diluted. hth :)
i hate my g4x ... have had the same problems you are having, had i known all the mods were necessary i would have bought a MRC. why sell a skimmer that needs all this modification to run properly rather than building it right and charging a little more for it ??
My G3 is going to sit in about 12" of water as of right now. Will that be alright or should I raise it up some?
I moved it up to 10" last night. i'll let you know how it works out. but it look to be much better already. next i'll try a mod. love to see some mod pic, would realy help out.