Please help!!


New member
I guess I got in way over my head. I wanted to upgrade my JBJ 45 all in one to a 180 with a large basement sump. I have been in the hobby for about 1.5 years. I have an RODI system, I mix my own saltwater, I have some plumbing experience, etc.

I don't know what in the hell is going on with the setup, but I cannot seem to figure out the overflow/pump. I have the aqueon mega flow system attached to PVC. I have two overflows with gate valves (1 1/2") and two pump lines with check valves (1"). It was hell converting from the barb fittings off the bulkheads to the PVC, but I used flexible tubing etc. I have unions above the floor below the tank and unions above the pumps so I can take apart and clean when needed.

I originally purchased two Jebao 12000DC return pumps to save money and they were way too loud and obnoxious and reverberated through the floor (along with lack of flow), so I returned those and bought what was recommended at the LFS, which are two Vectra L2 pumps. I was assured that these are WAY overpowered and should be plenty for what I need. I am having the same flow issues as the Jebao pumps and I cannot figure out what setting to put the pumps on to get good flow versus where to put the gate valves so the overflows are quiet. It seems like it's always on the brink of overflowing when the overflows are quiet or there is no flow and the overflows are incredibly bubbly and loud.

I am extremely frustrated and upset. What am I doing wrong and why is this so hard? It seems like there are no how-to guides on how to set up a system like this; there is so much variance that I can't get proper instructions for my exact set up. Please help!!! I am ready to give up. The tank is also 100% level, yet the two overflow/pump combinations seem to be on different planets from each other as far as settings go. I tried to use as few junctions/90s/45s as possible, but the pump line that is practically a straight line up has way less flow than the one with turns. I don't get it!!
Search for:. Durso standpipe, herbie overflow and bean animal overflow.

Pick a drain line and put a standpipe on it that is 3-4" shorter than the teeth of your overflow box. Close this gate valve with the pump off

Put a standpipe in the second line that is .5" or so taller than the bottom of the teeth. Keep this gate valve wide open .

Turn the pump on while manning the gate valve on the first line.

Partially open the valve after the overflow is full until the water lever stops rising (do this fast enough to avoid overflowing the tank/flooding).

Water level in the overflow should drop. Close the valve back down until the water level in the overflow is rising slowly.

Wait until overflow box is full and confirm that any extra water is draining through the second drain.

Turn line one until minimal water is draining through the second line.

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Take a pic of your current plumbing in the overflow box if you can and post here.

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Here are some pics. Hopefully someone can give some insight!


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Wow, tough crowd, I though I just gave you some insight hahaha.

Take a pick looking down into the overflow box,. That will help out the most.

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Sorry, I meant hopefully the pictures will be helpful for you to give more insight. Those pictures are all with everything off (gave up for tonight), but will send you looking down into the overflow box tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I will cry myself to sleep ha ha.
Please help!!

You have standard Durso standpipes. Why are you restricting them with valves? I always read you should never restrict the drains. You control the flow with the returns.

I would use a single return pump and split it between the two sides. You don't want all the flow through the sump. You use a slower rate through the sump and supplement that with power heads in the main tank.

I wonder if you have two much flow and are overwhelming the dursos with two return pumps.
When the overflow drains are fully open at the gate valve (down in the basement), they sound like a raging river (extremely loud).
Unrestricted dursos struggle to remain quiet in high flow situations. That's why they are less common on large tanks.

Herbie and beananimal setups fix this by providing the a gated syphon drain with emergency drains.

So the high flow water is quiet bc no air enters the pipes but at the same time easy to tune and safe bc of the emergency drains.

You need a gate valve on your primary syphon fed drain for this but can leave the emergency drains u restricted.hth

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Thank you!!

Thank you!!

Stephj03 thank you thank you thank you!! You are amazing and what you said to do worked perfectly.

Lessons learned:
-I have the durso overflow, and you do not need gate valves on this system. You only need gate valves for the herbie or the bean animal.
-You do not need check valves on this system either, because the returns have syphon breaks. And the flow issue I was having was because I accidentally glued one of the check valves shut. God bless vortech, because the vectra pump was still able to blast some water through the opening even with the check valve stuck.

So now both pumps are on at about half power, and the gate valves are fully open. If I ever have a failure or get bored, I will redo some plumbing to remove these unnecessary features, but for now everything is working great!!

According to the local fish store, we are good to move everything over from the old tank to the new tank as long as the salinity and the temp match (which they do perfectly). Saving that task for tomorrow.

Sorry about the meltdown. I guess I just needed a good night's sleep. And your great advice. :)