please post pics of 180 gallon plumbing


Active member
A friend is setting up a 180 gallon AGA- using a mag 18 for the return- wondering how to plumb the 2 returns?


You can T it into 2 return. I would place a ball valve to balance out the flow in each return. I think mag 18 a small for a 180gal. He should go w/ mag 24.
im only using a mag 12 and it works well.however i did close off one return due to the low pressure and i will be upgrading pumps with ball valves soon.its a lot about current in the tank.i have 2 maxi jet 1200's with the mods done to them and im telling you its a good amount of fish and corals love it.
check my little red house.
I tried connecting the drains together and it has caused an almost constant flushing with the 2 sides battling. i even tried going up to 1.5" or 2" where the two meet. that is coming out and i am seperating them like the picture shows. then....

at the same time, i will change the drain so the thru park of the "T" goes into the skimmer (right side) and refug (left side), then the branch part of the "T" will go to the drain side of the sump.

also possibly looking into using the returns in the overflows as second drains on each side, then plumb the return up the back of the tank.
i wouldn't say no success. I am running a dart for the return. It was also recommended to me to run 2 eheim pumps (internal pumps), one for each side, also covers 1 pump failing. 2 different philosophies toward return plumbing. Smaller pumps allow for slower moving water through the sump, skimmer, etc.