please review my interceptor treatment plan!


Premium Member
ok i have seen the threads!! lots of LONG threads and i have gotten through some of them...but too much for me to get through. could you guys please advise my plan so that i can make sure i am doing this right??

plan of action:

add 2-3 salifert test kit spoons of ground interceptor to tank
go to bed for 6hrs or so
do a 25gal water change and add a TON of carbon
leave the tank for the day.

i don't plan on doing the 2nd or 3rd doses as i have heard they are not needed.

have heard that the salifert spoon treats about 32gals or so. i will have about 60-70gal to treat and i have heard to overdose by a little. this has been seen with NO ill effects by many i know.

i will try to get my two emerald crabs out...but my cleaner i will not be able to catch. i have heard that SOMETIMES the cleaners or such should make it. the emeralds are toast i believe

i have 2 clams but they won't be harmed correct.

any advice words of wisdom??
Re: please review my interceptor treatment plan!

Lunchbucket said:

add 2-3 salifert test kit spoons of ground interceptor to tank
go to bed for 6hrs or so
do a 25gal water change and add a TON of carbon
leave the tank for the day.
Looks good.
Lunchbucket said:

i don't plan on doing the 2nd or 3rd doses as i have heard they are not needed.
BAD move.
Do them. If you don't kill all the bugs then they will just multiply and you will be back at square one.

Lunchbucket said:

any advice words of wisdom??
Don't know how 'wise' they are but...
Be sure to remove all your carbon while treating.
Turn your skimmers air input off and just let the water run through it (need to treat it too).

After you run carbon for a day or so, throw old carbon out and put new in.

Repeat 2 more times. ;)

Sean - ok ok i will do repeat treatments. 2nd AND 3rd doses?? or ONLY 2nd dose??

yeah i meant to put "run skimmer w/ no air just water running through it" i will just stick my hose for air in my sump and let it run.

after 2 days i will change out carbon.

so what 2nd dose 7days later???

so how bad will my pods get wiped out?? i don't have any fish in there as they have been in teh QT tank for ICH hypo treatment for 6wks now. should i add them soon or give the pods more of a chance to populate? there are a LOT of pods running around. do mysis shrimp get nuked too???

Do 2nd and 3rd doses.
If I recall correctly you do the 2nd dose 7 days later and the 3rd 14 days after the 2nd.
Your pods are pretty much toast.
A few will survive and will replenish the supply.
Same for Mysid shrimp.
I too agree with multiple doses. Do you want to have to do this again? How much can you pull out every colony + inspect? Just my take, but if you're bothering to do it once - while a second/third treatment might be unnecessary, I dislike `might'.

I would remove the shrimp [yeah, PITA] - as while mine `lived through it' it died within a month ... not exactly linked, except in my head ;) Esp. as you already have a QT going ...

Sean has a good point on the skimmer too.

I would also suggest maybe a second 25% w/c 2 days after. I did a huge amount of water changes around my treatments - and think the tank responded pretty positively to it. Figured I'd try to get the lingering Interceptor/ out of the tank best I could. After my final treatment I did a ton of w/c after - no idea if it `helped' but I blew through a salt bucket on my 58 that month I think. Just seemed wise to keep the large w/c thing going for a while after the last treatment.

Anyway - just my take on it. Sounds like you have a good handle on it already.
I did the treatment once on a 50 gallon that had a pretty bad infestation about 3 months ago, and all is still well. I only treated once, upped the dosage a little bit, and let the treatment go for about 6 hours and 45 mins. Killed off all the red bugs, and hardly any pods. My blood shrimp lived threw it, but the one hermit i couldn't get out of the tank kicked the bucket. All the corals have been doing great, and color returned to the ones that were suffering badly.

I'm not an sps expert like Mark and SeanT, but just offering up my experiences...

The 2nd and 3rd treatment was a precautionary measure because Dustin didn't know if red bugs had a larval stage. During Borneman's study of red bugs, he determined that there wasn't and that the multiple treatments weren't necessary.

Personally, I've only treated once (practically zero impact on pods), and no red bugs after 2 months. There's nothing wrong with multiple treatments since the interceptor has no affect on corals. The only drawback is you'll risk killing all your pods.
But after the first treatment IMO the pods are probably toast anyway ... if they're already dead, how will a second treatment change things?

Just my take - and I know about Eric's `no larval' post - but it seems like he even suggests they are very tough to spot, may live through a single treatment.

[maybe it's my experience with flatworms - but it's easy to kill all but one pest ... and a month later have to do it again IME]

But hey - your tank, your decision :)
have heard that the salifert spoon treats about 32gals or so.
thats using the large dog pill with 23 mg of Milbenycin Oxime right, so if have the med dog pill which only has 11.5mg of Milbenycin Oxime I would use two per 32 gals... I'm just trying to fiqure out an easier way to calculate dosage without screwing up.

A little off topic but.. last night I put 3 Salifert spoons into a small cup of tank water to do a strong dip on an infected coral I was putting in my tank. After the dip I put the coral into my tank without rinsing it. A scarlet hermit went right to the coral immediatly after I put it in the tank and began cleaning the coral. The hermit died within minutes...probably about 10 minutes.
reefnutz - so borneman did a study w/ NO reoccurance w/ one dose...i've heard MANY have done one w/ no more back

mike NY - not sure if these are the large pills i am geting one from a buddy. he has a fairly large dog so i am assuming it is the big pill

one eye - crazy about the hermit crab

Good posts above, Lunch. Do the 3 treatments. Learn from my mistakes.

Also, your clams will be fine. This was my major concern.

Lunchbucket said:
reefnutz - so borneman did a study w/ NO reoccurance w/ one dose...i've heard MANY have done one w/ no more back

I figured what the heck, I gotta wait a whole week to do the 2nd treatment anyway, so I just played it by ear. In my case, there are no more red bugs after two months, so the 2nd and 3rd treatments would have just destroyed the fauna.

So you know you are NOT alone, I just got a tablet today and am planning on treating the system sunday night or possibly monday.

Even with all the support from thoses who have had great sucess with this treatment, its still a nail-biter for me also.

I wish you luck when you do it, and hope that the outcome is positive. I know that the look on the Vets face when I told him what it was for was a priceless moment at best.

I am glad to here that clams are not damaged, as I have 2 one of which is 5 years old.


I have one question, and please excuse me if this is hijacking. I figured since you were in a similar situation to me ( about to dose ) it would be silly to start a new thread on it.

Lets say that all goes well with the treatment, I would like to avoid this from happening again. I cant get a straight answer as to any Dip treatments dip time/doseage/etc... for new additions? I realize a QT tank would be best here,,but at this point in time thats just not an option for me. It will be at some point after all this though!

Any ideas, or experiences?

I have seen that the effects on crabs/shrimp are fatal, But have seen a few ( not many, but enough to concern me ) that suggest snail being affected by the treatment. Is this been a problem in anyones experiences or just rumor?
Lunchbucket said:
reefnutz - so borneman did a study w/ NO reoccurance w/ one dose...i've heard MANY have done one w/ no more back

mike NY - not sure if these are the large pills i am geting one from a buddy. he has a fairly large dog so i am assuming it is the big pill

one eye - crazy about the hermit crab



The tablet I sent you is for large dogs...

Also, do the 3 treatments. In the beginning, some of us here just did the 1 dose and they DID come back after 2-3 months...

Better to be safe than sorry...

And to quote a famous shoe manufacturer: JUST DO IT!!!!
