please review my interceptor treatment plan!

good feeling?? as in bug free or to be done :P BOTH

just hope i AM bug free...well the 2nd treatment will knock them out.

just hope the pods come back now :( :(

Pods are EASY to come by man.
Get some chaeto from someone, keep it in a qt tank for a bit with some rubble.
Transport rubble to main and VOILA! Pods. :)
Lunch sounds like you have the bases covered. Do the additional treatments even though you will see no more bugs.

will do the 2nd treatment for sure...3rd probably isn't needed IMO

i saw a mysis shrimp this morning. he wasn't moving fast but i saw one. i didn't look very hard either. it took me about 2 min of looking on the left side ans i spotted one. i'm sure he is about the only one....i had a TON of them before since i has not fish due to being in a QT tank for 7wks i am sure they had a chance to get up in numbers. 2nd treatments will pretty much knock them down

skimmer pulled off about 1/16 of a cup last night. pretty wet but about like medium sun tea. i'll dump it later today when i change the carbon.

cleaner shrimp is still alive but i couldn't see the emeralds so now sure if they are alive or dead

no red bugs either. doesn't mean there aren't a few there though...oh well 1 wk they will be gone for SURE

The news sounds good, Mysis were the first thing to come back or the first thing in the pod family that I know made it. I only did two treatments one week apart and based it on the most current information of no egg stage and four day cycle with no Acros. Not to say I'm right only time will tell. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: The task seems big but it's one of the easier things I've done with success.


lunch-do the three treatments.....i was leary at first myself, but i didnt want to deter from what most people are doing....i did it 3x's within two weeks. like every 5 days i did it. Did a 10% H20 change each time and ran some carbon for abit.
The only things i lost were my cleaner shrimp, both emralds, and a couple of crabs i was unable to remove from the tank.

blood shrimp, coral bandit and all snails are still kicking.

Its been about 7 weeks now and to be honest the corals that were effected are "just now"starting to look like they did prior to treatment. (My Millies are finely showing full extension) :)
I've been worried that i didnt do enough and that i was going to have to do it again.

As for newly added frags or colonies.....i add about 1/4th pill to one gallon of tank water and let sit for 30 min, remove and put into fresh one gallon for 15 min.....

ive only done this 2x's since the treatment, im still leary about adding new corals to the tank sure we all are now.


Rich K.
will do the 2nd treatment on thursday. all the water is getting up to SG and want enough time ot age and make sure it is right.

the 2nd treatment will be the last.

Boy is it easy to make a dumb mistake. I was given a Blue Tort frag last week, arrived home at 10 PM and put it in my tank without thinking. It came from a "Bug Free System" but could have just as well been covered with red bugs. I spent a lot of time looking with the magnifying glass once I realized what I had done, so much for any words of wisdom from me.

No bugs but it just shows how easy a guy could get them back, I'm still clean. The Blue Tort, which is a $90 frag, was clean thank god. When I was collecting my frags back in November guys assured me they were bug free and that was not the case.

double the dose?

double the dose?

Hello everyone, quick question, as I don't want to hijack, and it seems like everyone here knows what they're talking about. I too am about to dose the little bastards :mad2: but I bought the interceptor for med dogs (11-25 lbs) w/ 5.75 mg of milbemycin. I am doing everything listed above but adding 2 spoonfuls per 32 gal. I have a 125 gal w/ 30 gal sump and I am going to be using 10 salifert spoonfuls for each of the 3 treatments. Does this sound right to you guys?


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Reef-Jitsu, I was also originally planning on doing an increased dosage when I treated my tank. After doing LOTS of reading I decided to stick with the original dosage because this has been successful for everyone who has treated and followed the treatment protocol. So I decided that if the regular dosage always works anyways then why increase it and possibly risk hurting something else in the tank? I did my first treatment last week and I couldn't find a single bug on my 40 or so frags/colonies that had them before the treatment. I just did a second treatment this morning just to make sure I got any that may have survived the first one. So in my own experience and everyone else's experience that I've read, the regular dosage is more than enough to get the job done.
If I read this right you tablet is 1/4 of the large dog size. Therefore 1 of your tablets will treat 95 gallons of water.


The tablets used in the initial treatments were for large dogs, 51-100lbs. These tablets are just under 1 gram each and contain 23mg of Milbemycin Oxime, the rest of it is a lovely smelling beef flavor. EACH TABLET is enough to treat about 380 gallons.
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fahz - i'm glad you posted man. i couldn't remember the difference between the pills and i didn't want to chime in to help Reef-Jitsu w/out the facts!! thanks!!

i believe the LARGE dog pill gives you about 10salifert one spoon of the BIG pill treats around 30-35gallons of water. i used 3 today so i treated 90-105gallons

oh tank looks A-OK. i have NOT seen any bugs...i wasn't expecting to either. it is right at 5.5hrs into the treatment and the cleaner shrimp still looks ok. i'm gonn wait ONLY the 6hrs like directed instead of the 7like i did before. just running out of time to do the water change and need to get it done! it shouldn't hurt since i have dosed once and i am getting the full 6hrs

Thanks guys. I'm basing it on the amount of milbemycin in each pill and since the med dog pills have exactly half of the agent (5.75 mg) compared to the large dogs of 11.5 mg, I'm doing 2 spoonfuls per 35 gals. Ideally, this would put the same amount of milbemycin in the water. The threads I've read also say to try and estimate exactly the volume of water you'll be treating but of couse my 125 is full of LR and corals and my sump has a turbo floater skimmer in it, so I'm just treating it for the total 155 gal and not subtracting out rock space. Is this what you have done? I figure I'll be over treating by the voulume of rock and skimmer but I should be OK. Thanks again for your help.
well all done w/ the water change (~20gal) and added 1.5-2cups of carbon. the cleaner shrimp does NOT look happy. he is 1/2 hanging on the rock. not really clinging to it w/ all his legs. mostly just the back 2 or 4. looks almost like it is gonna fall off. he looked fine about 30min before the treatment was done.

skimmer is set to skim wet ot hopefully get the interceptor out of the water ASAP and the carbon and water change will help...hope he makes it!!

saw one of the emeralds and it was moving when i shined the light on it under a rock. so we will see i guess

other than that NO problems.


Reef-Jitsu said:
Thanks guys. I'm basing it on the amount of milbemycin in each pill and since the med dog pills have exactly half of the agent (5.75 mg) compared to the large dogs of 11.5 mg, I'm doing 2 spoonfuls per 35 gals. Ideally, this would put the same amount of milbemycin in the water. The threads I've read also say to try and estimate exactly the volume of water you'll be treating but of couse my 125 is full of LR and corals and my sump has a turbo floater skimmer in it, so I'm just treating it for the total 155 gal and not subtracting out rock space. Is this what you have done? I figure I'll be over treating by the voulume of rock and skimmer but I should be OK. Thanks again for your help.


If you treat with the information your posting you could be doing this over again. I have the large dog box in front of me and it contains 23.0 mg. So stop what your planning and get you information right.

Fahz, actually the information was somewhat in this thread. Mike NY posted, however nobody answered. Boy am I glad you cought that :eek1: thank you so much! After looking at the size of the pills (which are smaller than the large dog pills) I don't think I can go with the spoon method because I don't think I can get 4 spoonfuls out of one tablet to treat 32 gal (less beefy flavor to milbemycin ratio)I will have to go with the analogy that one pill will treat 95 gal (now I see what you were talking about with the 1/4 statement). So, here's what I plan to do; Dose my 125 tank + 30 gal sump system with 1 and 3/4 pills for treatment. (Theoretically, I am dosing for 166 gal and my total system volume is 155 gal but it is alright to overdose a little).

Seriously, not trying to hijack. Just want to get confirmation (Fahz) that this makes sense and then I am off to dose :)

reef-jitsu - not a problem...don't worry about is NICE to ahve info all in one thread for people. the big red bug thread is TOO LONG

well my cleaner shrimp looks TERRIBLE. still clinging to the rock but laying on the sand on its side and holding on. it jerks and moves some about every 20sec or so. so it isn't dead unless htis is nerve impulses. i changed my carbon in hopes to get the rest out. hope my cleaner makes it...they are like 20bucks!! but at least i didn't loose a TON in corals.

i saw both emeralds last night and they looked fine. today my bigger one didn't move much when i put a flashlight on him. he might be messed up some too.

everything else is A-OK...haven't checked my pod population at night...i'll do that tonight!

wish my shrimp luck :(