Plumbing help??


New member
Im realitively new to the hobby ... and so far all the systems i have run I've done so without having to do any plumbing (ie: canister filters and HOT equipment) ..... I need some help .... I had to break down my 72g to move it into another room and when i set it back up i want to plumb a sump on it ..... any plumbing guru's out there that don't mind me leeching info off em ??? ..... honestly i have no idea where to start .... my plumbing knowledge is close to nothing ..... I think im wearing out my welcome @ Kermit's :D .... i'm a carpenter so i can reciprocate any help back in that department
there is so many ways to do it. is your tank drilled? Overflow? externa/internal. u doing internal or external pump. what other components do you want to include with the plumbing? chiller/chemical reactor/uv sterilizer. hard piping can get expensive and a lot of times i buy more stuff than what i need.
I live in Collierville and you are always welcome to ask questions.
This next week I have an apprentice program starting and we will be plumbing out a 225 or a 155. LoL
send me a pm with your number and I'll give you directions to the aqua overstocked warehouse.
You went over my head really quick drowzee ..... the tank does not have an overflow built in ..... i had it setup with a fluval 404 ...... mj1200 (x3) for circulation and a Aquaclear 500 that i cannabilized into a HOT refugium ..... I have yet to dive into any real equipment or drill into any of my aquariums ..... but im looking for suggestions ..... all the chemicals i was adding like calcium and stuff i was just dosing by hand

The lighting system I had wasnt very fancy either I had 4 tube 48" VHO system with 2 actinic blues and 2 whites .... im going to upgrade once I get plumbing sorted out ... maybe go with the two VHO actinics once i figure out how to wire it and 1 or 2 MH bulbs