Plumbing parts needed.


New member
I was just wondering if anyone has any 2" or 1 1/2" new unions, ball valves, ball valve unions, tees, 90 and 45 degree peices just lying around? If you do please let me know.


Matt, I have a 10g rubbermaid bin of misc. plumbing parts in the garage. Lots of 1.5" leftovers from plumbing my tank. Let me know if you want to come by tomorrow and have a look through it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11429412#post11429412 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig
Matt, I have a 10g rubbermaid bin of misc. plumbing parts in the garage. Lots of 1.5" leftovers from plumbing my tank. Let me know if you want to come by tomorrow and have a look through it.

Awesome. That would be great. What time are you free tomorrow?


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11429412#post11429412 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig
Matt, I have a 10g rubbermaid bin of misc. plumbing parts in the garage. Lots of 1.5" leftovers from plumbing my tank. Let me know if you want to come by tomorrow and have a look through it.